I keep a list of stories I'm interested in; previously this was just browser bookmarks in a folder, but now it is a text list of just the story IDs. I have a number of script tools to support this, most useful being some which give me the capability to drag-and-drop a browser link onto a target, which then (if it's a SOL link) isolates any story IDs and adds them to this list, optionally at the beginning of the list (for 'about to be archived', which need prompt treatment), and preventing any duplicates. I can load a story from the list by accessing{story id} as this was previously the format for story links, although they are now{story id}/{story title}; I still have bookmarks in the first form and other people seem to have them, too.
Accessing a story through the first form of link quite correctly updates the stories accessed count, and lists the story on the 'today's accesses' page (eventually, as the first form of link doesn't seem to invalidate the cache - that's probably A bug, but not THIS bug). However, subsequently accessing the story through the link on the 'today's accesses' page (which is of the second form) accesses the same story but increments the stories accessed count again! The home page would/does then read 2 accesses, but the 'today's accesses' page only lists one story.
After I'd reported what appears to be an instance of this with home page story counts of [17/16], Lazeez seems to have put in a 'fix' that checks the headline count before allowing access. This results in access being disallowed at a homepage count of 16, where the actual count accessed and reported on the 'today's accesses' page could be considerably lower.
I think I saw a manifestation of a different form of this shortly before the recent database maintenance; at that time, the homepage 'up for archive' link was served as and stories listed therein were also www.stories...; accessing these then accessing again through the 'today's accesses' page seems to have double-counted the accesses.