Is there any reason why chapters for some stories are listed vertically while others are horizontally? Horizontally are much easier to navigate when there are a lot of chapters...
Is there any reason why chapters for some stories are listed vertically while others are horizontally? Horizontally are much easier to navigate when there are a lot of chapters...
If I remember rightly:
Vertical is for when chapters have names and the author wants to display them (Show TOC).
Horizontal is for when the chapters don't have names or the author doesn't want to show them (Hide TOC).
ah ok thanks for the explanation! Sucks though when a story has 20, 30 or more chapters and they're listed vertically!
Sucks though when a story has 20, 30 or more chapters and they're listed vertically!
There should be a 'bottom' link somewhere at the top of the page.
Vertical is for when chapters have names and the author wants to display them (Show TOC).
There is some limit (or was), though I don't recall what it is/was after which you get the columnar format rather than the chapter-per-line list.
Is there any reason why chapters for some stories are listed vertically while others are horizontally?
Can you provide a link where the story lists the chapters horizontally. I've never seen that.
James Howlette's latest offering is typical, with chapter links in four columns.
That's not how it shows up on my display. After "Show Story Details" each chapter name is on a separate line (vertically).
For the vast majority of multi chapter stories chapter index list them left to right and goes to the next line when there is no more place.
on mobile device, with big fonts, horizontally may still mean one chapter per line...
by Switch Blayde.
For the vast majority of multi chapter stories chapter index list them left to right and goes to the next line when there is no more place.
You're right. I can't widen my window enough for more than four chapter links abreast (and I'm not going to play with font sizes) but when I make the window very thin it does convert to one chapter link per line.
Nope, chapters are listed vertically for me. I do have my preferences set with a large font size and large right and left margins. I don't know if that means anything. But there's still plenty of space to have multiple chapter names on one line.
Example:, chapters are listed vertically for me.
Interesting, I see it in rows of 4 chapters. I wonder if there's something in individual user settings aside from fonts and margins that affects that?
Interesting, I see it in rows of 4 chapters. I wonder if there's something in individual user settings aside from fonts and margins that affects that?
I didn't want to log out so I opened a private window and brought up "High School Massacre" in that window without being logged in (as a guest).
The chapter names were displayed horizontally.
So it has something to do with my settings.
Here is Gruinard's Living Two Lives...chapters posted horizontally
And here is Micheal Loucks's Climbing the Ladder Book 4 Chutes and Ladders...chapters posted vertically
Here is Gruinard's Living Two Lives...chapters posted horizontally
And here is Micheal Loucks's Climbing the Ladder Book 4 Chutes and Ladders...chapters posted vertically
Both show chapters vertically on my display. I have never seen chapters displayed horizontally.
I believe chapter names are simply floated blocks. So how many you see side by side is governed by nothing more than name length relative to window width. I do think I have seen situations where digit named chapters are in two columns until there's another (third) digit and they do not fit two in a row from then on.
I sent a message to the BBM (big boss man) asking about it. Weird we get different results...I can't find anything in my settings to change...
Is there any reason why chapters for some stories are listed vertically while others are horizontally?
For multipart stories, the author can choose to show the TOC for a story. If they do, then each chapter is shown in a row. Some authors do choose TOC with no chapter titles shown and you'll get:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
If the author doesn't change anything, then the chapter links are just the word 'Chapter' or 'Part' with the number added. They are what is called 'inline-block' in CSS. So they flow like the text of a paragraph and how many of them there are per line depends on the display style of the user. If you have very wide text block and small letters, you may end up with 10 links on each line. If you're like me, you get 4. If you're on a phone with a big screen, you get two, if you're on a phone with a small screen then you may get just one per row.
If I notice that an author had turned on Show TOC for a story and the story doesn't have custom chapter titles like 'Chapter 1: Here we go' , 'Chapter 2: Some more of this story', etc... then I turn off the show TOC display for the story.