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Third Time Lord?

1captain ๐Ÿšซ

Had an idea about a story about a third Time Lord from Galifrey, one that had to escape before imprisonment for his sexual crimes.

The Doctor is about protecting humans and aliens, the Master is all about world domination.

Neither seem to have any interest in the sexual proclivities of their companions.

But the third would be mostly be concerned with sex.

(Possible name Therapist? The Rapist)

I can see codes for rape, kidnapping, BDSM, possibly gay, etc. being possibilities.

Fan fiction, mind control, Time Travel?


Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


He goes around trying to alter the sexual mores of the present/future by trying to alter the sexual mores of past civilizations.

What would it do to the present day if you replaced the puritans of Americas past with a sex cult?

Turn Queen Victoria into a exhibitionist slut?

Replies:   LupusDei
LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

What would it do to the present day if you replaced the puritans of Americas past with a sex cult?

Turn Queen Victoria into a exhibitionist slut?

Both necessary nudges on the right track, but the grand quest to eliminate the swimsuit -- to turn the twenty century across the whole planet into clothes optional utopia not unlike we like to perceive ancient Greek mythology (with is arguably false, that's almost definitely a case where we judge a culture almost solely on its porn) -- would hlikely have to start even earlier.

Not necessarily as far back as ancient Greece or India, although checking out how they were looking in reality and not respective porn could be advantageous. But radically changing or summary eliminating Islam might be a must.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


the grand quest to eliminate the swimsuit -- to turn the twenty century across the whole planet into clothes optional utopia

We need a bit more global warming for that ;-)


Replies:   LupusDei
LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

One might think, but in reality the (first world) people with least hangups about nudity are to be found in north and east Europe and their secondary back migrations to Siberia and Black Sea.

Remarkably in full four season climate, the short hot summer is time for shameless skinny dipping, a welcome relief from wearing overcoats eight to ten months. While much of tropical belt is dominant by aggressive prudes demanding full body cover for swimming.

I don't talk about "absolute" full time nudist lifestyle with is absurd niche behavior at best anyway (and impractical for lack of pockets and giving up the communication medium clothing is). I talk about simply doing all the same and everything one now is expected to wear swimsuit for without that little rag and pretended modesty.

ETA: Ideally, imagine world exactly as it is, only "for sake of modesty" is removed from valid reasons to wear clothes. Doesn't mean those are not used for every other, from protective to decorative purposes, although the later fashions could differ a bit too.

Replies:   awnlee jawking  Not_a_ID
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


Today a local newspaper reported on Twitter that a naked man has been seen cycling along local cycle paths. Various busybodies are up in arms. The police are anxious to contact him but are unsure whether he's broken any laws.

I would hope that in your clothing optional utopia, there would be absolutely no problem with nude cycling ;-)


Replies:   Keet  LupusDei
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

I would hope that in your clothing optional utopia, there would be absolutely no problem with nude cycling ;-)

Look up "World Naked Bike Ride", a yearly returning event.

LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

I would hope that in your clothing optional utopia, there would be absolutely no problem with nude cycling ;-)

Absolutely not. Naked human of any gender any age and any body complexion should be no more newsworthy than a human wearing blue shirt. It should literally be just unimportant trivia about their appearance. Yes, there could be contexts where it would be mentioned as unusual or even weird (consider a naked cyclist observed on the street at -10F) but otherwise no different than who their clothes designer was they had opted to wear some.

ETA: it shouldn't be necessary, but probably worth mentioning that deliberately masturbating in front of the catholic girl school would still be a crime. Sexual assault remains such irregardless of fashion trends.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


deliberately masturbating in front of the catholic girl school would still be a crime

She'd probably find it educational ;-)


Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


ETA: it shouldn't be necessary, but probably worth mentioning that deliberately masturbating in front of the catholic girl school would still be a crime. Sexual assault remains such irregardless of fashion trends.

True, but the law can also change in response to other cultural changes. Even in the real world, legal definition of sexual assault has not been static over time.

At least in most US jurisdictions, the posited exposure while it would be a crime is not as a legal matter sexual assault.

This would generally fall under either indecent exposure or public indecency.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl  LupusDei
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

the posited exposure while it would be a crime is not as a legal matter sexual assault.

It would be if the Catholic school girl's name was Pepper Potts. Then it'd be assault on Pepper.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

It would be if the Catholic school girl's name was Pepper Potts. Then it'd be assault on Pepper.

Assault is a threat of violence. Indecent exposure is not any kind of assault.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

assault on Pepper.

Say the words out loud ...

Where's that facepalm gif? Or the ceiling one, since this went RIGHT over your head ...

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

It didn't go over my head, it was a dud and fell flat.

LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

This would generally fall under either indecent exposure or public indecency.

Well, the only place such terms are ever mentioned in my jurisdiction is in municipal rules (which may differ by city, town or village) where such is routinely listed as one of behaviors that can potentially constitute case of hooliganism, if it disrupts public order in dangerous ways or significantly preclude others to use the place for its intended purpose (usually upon discretion of law enforcement).

The other alternative is if someone is offended enough to elevate it to a case of sexual assault under criminal law, with all the potential consequences like sex offenders register.

So here, basically, nudity in itself isn't illegal anywhere. If you're in urban area and a cop ask you to cover up, then better do, or else you may be arrested for hooliganism. But being caught intentionally exposing male genitals in front of a school in session will land you in sex offenders register; there was at least one case to that effect not long ago (two years ago I think). But that's based on perceived intentions and exact actions, not the exposure as a fact. Simply walking by naked may or may not in fact make much fuss. He more likely made very deliberate show of himself.

(Yes, I specifically said male genitals, because traditional public opinion around here is that only men can ever commit sexual assault by mere exposure, as male genitals are unconditionally offending, while women are supposedly harmed by their nudity being observed, but otherwise artful beauty.)

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


The other alternative is if someone is offended enough to elevate it to a case of sexual assault under criminal law

That could not happen in any US State that I am familiar with. It simply would not qualify under the sexual assault laws.

Replies:   Not_a_ID
Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

The other alternative is if someone is offended enough to elevate it to a case of sexual assault under criminal law

That could not happen in any US State that I am familiar with. It simply would not qualify under the sexual assault laws.

Utah, if someone under the age of 18 is able to witness it. Without regard to their relationship with the person who is naked.

Although it wouldn't be classed as a sexual assault, it could get you on the sex offender registry as I recall.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Although it wouldn't be classed as a sexual assault,

Then Utah is not an exception to my statement. I didn't say it wouldn't be criminal, I said it couldn't be charged as sexual assault.

it could get you on the sex offender registry as I recall.

That would probably be true in every state that has a sex offender registry, even if it wasn't witnessed by a minor.

There are states where urinating in public (even without exposing yourself to someone else) can land you on the sex offender registry.

Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ


Remarkably in full four season climate, the short hot summer is time for shameless skinny dipping, a welcome relief from wearing overcoats eight to ten months. While much of tropical belt is dominant by aggressive prudes demanding full body cover for swimming.

Not actually correct?

President John Adams went skinny dipping in the Potomac River during his time in Washinton D.C.

The vast majority of native populations living in tropical areas were widely reported as running around naked, aside from an occasional loin cloth or other accessory for carrying other tools.

It wasn't until the Europeans attempted colonize and "civilize" those naked savages(and provide a new export market for their textile industries, even before the industrial revolution) that they started to develop nudity taboos(mostly because their colonial masters would strongly object to their nudity).

Even then, situational nudity was common and somewhat rampant, even among white Americans, into the early 20th century. Because climate control and automated washing machines for doing laundry weren't in wide use yet.

Clothing itself could become a disease vector after all, so if you couldn't afford the time/resources to change clothes and wash them afterwards(or at least, allow them to air/dry out before wearing again), then you'd remove those clothes before you did anything which might get them dirty or soaked in sweat.

But mostly, I'd still place a lot of the blame on the European(and American) Textile industry and people playing "keeping up with the Joneses" paired with the power of the pulpit. Buy clothes today, lest you be declared a naked heathen and be cast into hell.

Replies:   LupusDei
LupusDei ๐Ÿšซ


Savages sure. I'm more talking about situation of today. And yes, the nudity taboo and sexualization of functional nudity are very recent trends, and getting worse.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


Third Time Lucky?


blackjack2145309 ๐Ÿšซ


To be honest, seeing as much of Dr. Who as i have, a third time lord that's all about sex is a fairly cool idea but only if it's written right.

I think the best way to do it is for the third time lord to have his/her adventure and then have an "oh i want to have sex within the realm of xyz time travel fantasy while we're here."

because i believe there are very few people who don't have at least one or two fantasies that involve sex and time travel.

Also you could also go the route of two TV shows that come to mind. The first is that series "LOKI" where the marvel character "Loki" has to travel in time to perform certain acts to fix the time line ie the DB cooper robbery

the other option is to go the route of a TV show that was cancelled years ago called "Timeless" (great time travel series that was canceled way before its time) (DAMN those TV execs to hell.) The reason i mention it is because every time the protagonists came back (was that an accidental double entendre?) historical events were slightly altered, maybe not enough to effect the timeline but it did make me giggle at times.

I mean a similar concept could be used during the subject we're discussing.

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