story starts out with Mum, Dad, two Daughters and one Son. Dad pops eldest daughter's cherry but tells son not to pop youngest as that's reserved for his boss in order to get a juicy promotion. though they see how far they can push her with out 'breaking' her.
Dad gets the promotion and starts to build a harem for himself and his son who are the domms in the family. they add other family members, an Aunt (mother's sister) and her kids. also other teens. they get a nice big house with purpose built BDSM rooms, before it was only one room. Lots of sensory play. hoods and headphones. towards the point I got to there was a scheme of piercing the outer labia of the females. more rings means of lower rank. also introduces dogs and maybe lactation. read the story quite a while ago before premier but after many searches can't find it again. pretty sure it was incomplete and maybe inactive. but I'd love to pick it up again. any help appreciated.