I just hope that the author has a change of heart and decides to complete it.
Don't hold your breath.
The author has already stated there won't be a sequel
contacted the author (some years ago) about the sequel, and was told that the story wasn't received well enough for him to write the sequel.
If readers want authors to post more stories or sequels then voting and commenting is the way to go. It won't guarantee results, but the lack of voting is often a major reason why authors turn their attention elsewhere.
When you have finished the next few stories you read here, click on the 'more info' link at the bottom of the page and compare the number of downloads to the number of votes... You'll be lucky if the votes reach 5% of the downloads.
Given how easy Lazeez has made voting it is sad that so few readers actually bother. I do wonder how many of those same readers bitch about the stories taking so long to post of sequels never appearing...
Of course the other extreme is also possible. If every reader also voted and the score was good, the author might just pull their stories and go publish them, but that shouldn't deter voting.