I've got this one piece of the story in my head and I can't think of where it came from. I've been reading some fantasy stuff on Kindle Unlimited, so it may have come from there, but it wasn't in the story I just re-read that I thought was it so I figured I'd come here and see if anybody could help me out.
The piece I'm remember is a guy creates boxes/spaces/buildings that have the ability to transport the contents between them. For instance, he builds/creates one near one group of people (I think it might have been elves or some tribe of people that live in the forest) and the other box/whatever is created near the town/village where they trade. Stuff put in to the box in the forest (or remote town or whatever) is transported to the villlage box for trading. Stuff can be sent back the other way as well.
I was thinking it was a story where a guy was sent from normal Earth to an alternate planet that had magic and he then had this ability and was learning how it worked, but I'm not positive and can't remember anything else.
I seem to remember he was doing this for the family of the woman he became involved with, but that might just be a random idea from somewhere else.
Any help would be appreciated.