@grandad_rufusThe Next Generation
by Wes Boyd ©1984, ©1995, ©2007, ©2012. Revised 2012.
All she ever wanted was to be normal! Her mother considered Judith a hopeless invalid to be cared for all her life – but then as she's about to finish high school, Judith acquires a boyfriend, Ken, who helps her learn that her mother is dead wrong. Judith's mother doesn't like Ken because he keeps widening Judith's understanding of what she can do, so her mother pushes another suitor at Judith, but she keeps going back to Ken. In a touching, slowly building romance, Ken and Judith both learn she can be a much stronger, more productive person than anyone had ever thought she could be. Their love for each other blossoms in college but troubling times come. Is Judith with her newfound capacity for love now strong enough to help keep Ken's family's farm from foreclosure? A light romance, not a bodice ripper.