Personally it isn't the money, it's the difficulty of arranging payment. Somehow my Visa card doesn't work to pay the bill. I manage to pay the charge every year, but likely it is more work for the site than they like. I would pay for more than one year if I could get a discount. Interest rates are so small these days, the savings on postage every year would probably cover the interest lost on paying for three or five years in advance. Of course keeping track of who paid what, when would probably cost SOL more than the discount.
That usually occurs for foreign (i.e. European) sites, but it's mostly due to the various credit card agencies deciding that they're going to censor 'pornography' for the safety of the entire world. It's an ongoing battle.
Personally, I'd ask Lazeez for how to circumvent it. There are ways. Ernest, in Australia, can't actually access many sites like PayPal, but maintains a PP account just for making SOL payments. Also, Lazeez now accepts a variety of alternative payments (like MoneyOrders, etc.).
I suspect that most Premiere members are authors who gain access via the number of contributions they make, but while I don't regularly subscribe, I try to pay for a full year every couple of years, just to do my part.