Having been a registered nurse for 40 years I feel that my input should carry no small amount of weight when addressing the area of nurses and nursing care.
It was with dismay but no real surprise to find that one of my favorite author, Banadin, had used the age-old derogatory term of "male" nurse.
The very last bastion of sexual job discrimination of which I am aware!
we don't say "male" hairdresser any more. Nor do we refer to "male" housekeepers.
It's against the law to refer to "female" police or "female" physicians.
yet, this one designation continues with impunity!
Couldn't you just put a mister before his name? Or refer to the nurse as "he" or "him?
It takes a bachelor's degree to be a registered nurse. It takes passing the state board requirements. Over 40 years it takes endless study to remain current in my field.
All that time. effort and work reduced to one word..."male".
Shame on you.