Thanks to Ernest, I gave up on 'total' word counts, instead only counting the words in each chapter, so I could keep an eye on how varied the chapter lengths are (which makes calculating the average chapter count much easier). Going a step further, I chose to not count my usual epigraphs, since it's technically not a part of the actual chapter's text.
So, I'm beginning to wonder how to list each book's total word count. I know, for publishing, that the only thing that matters is compiled word count (i.e. what Word, LibreOffice, OpenOffice of Calibre calculates it as), but what should I do when someone asks how long the book is?
Further confusing things, is that my books are notoriously front and back-end heavy, between the copyright notice, acknowledgments (listing the sources for images in the books), my "Other Books by the Author", Preview chapter, Citations (thoroughly researched sources for each epigraph included) and "About the Author" sections. That's a LOT of non-story elements!
The print book is easy, you simply list the total page count, but I'm always stymied how to list the total word count, especially when posting to SOL. Actual words in the story itself? Only the narrative word-count? Total compiled word count (much of which isn't included in postings to SOL)? Or some other designation.
For example, my newest story is 95,500 total word count, but only 88,800 story word count. That's not a lot of difference, but since I don't post the front/back matter to SOL, it doesn't make sense including it.
Anyone have any suggestions, inclinations, preferences, observations or advice?