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Preppers? Survivalists? Are they the same?

PotomacBob ๐Ÿšซ

Back when Hector was a pup, we had survivalists. Today I see the word preppers used a lot. The people who organized themselves into groups and armed themselves heavily took the name militias.
Are there distinctions to be made among those names? Are any of the names now out of date? Are they other words with similar meanings being applied or adopted?

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I see them as different things.

First, the militias have no relation to either preppers or survivalists.

The militias are not about the end of civilization, they are groups that are preparing to fight the government, either a Civil War 2.0 scenario or a Red Dawn scenario where a foreign invader has taken over the US.

Survivalists take the time to learn how to survive with no or limited technology. They may have a number of different reasons for doing so, as a hobby, because the want to live off grid (preferably in a wilderness area), or just to improve their chances in a local/regional disaster.

Preppers are similar to survivalists, but they take things a few steps farther. They are very explicitly preparing for a global apocalypse, the end of the world, be it global thermonuclear war, global warming, or the zombie apocalypse.

Replies:   Mushroom
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Preppers are similar to survivalists, but they take things a few steps farther. They are very explicitly preparing for a global apocalypse, the end of the world, be it global thermonuclear war, global warming, or the zombie apocalypse.

That has always been my take on it as well.

"Preppers" tend to have a "bunker mentality", having insane amounts of supplies, especially guns and food. Survivalists tend to be more interested in just surviving. And if they live in a large population area, often have plans to get out of there with a GOD bad ("Get Out of Dodge"). Throw the bag into a vehicle, and most times go to a pre-planned location to make it through the situation.

And they tend to be more practical, and have more real-world survival skills. "Preppers" tend to think their stockpile will get them through what is needed. "Survivalists" tend to have actual knowledge on how to safely acquire food and water, as well as things like making shelters and keeping a low profile if needed.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Survivalists tend to be more interested in just surviving.

And not all are even interested in disaster scenarios. Some just want to live as self-sufficiently as possible off grid.

And if they live in a large population area, often have plans to get out of there with a GOD bad ("Get Out of Dodge").

I'm just going to assume that was supposed to be bag. :)

irvmull ๐Ÿšซ


Certainly they all have some overlapping interests.

"Preppers" can simply be people who stock up on supplies like food and toilet paper (as everyone should have done, it turns out). They might also have retreats or live on farms because they want to be prepared for unforeseen events, including normal stuff like fires, storms and abnormal stuff like riots or martial law.

This group has gathered hordes of new members since the COVID lockdown experience. They make up the majority of posts even on internet forums which have the word "Survivalist" in their name.

"Survivalists" have some of those same concerns, but they add in concepts like living off the land, hunting and fishing for sustenance, and resistance if necessary to others who might come and take their supplies. They're more prepared for very serious things - long-term events like an asteroid strike or the government falling into the wrong hands.

This group, IMHO, is losing members as people realize the futility of millions of people trying to hunt for the last remaining squirrel. Only Alaska holds any hope for a small number of these folks to survive. My impression of them losing members may instead be due to them "going dark" in reaction to recent events.

"Militias" are usually the extreme end of the survivalists, with less interest in stocking up on food and more on being well armed in order to run things when the government fails.

As proof, I offer the observation that on Prepper boards, people freely discuss what sorts of supplies can be stored, how to find the best bargains on food, medical supplies, etc.

On Survivalist boards, the talk is more about hunting, trapping, and guns in general. Staying "off the radar" and away from civilization seems to be important.

On Militia boards, who knows? There probably aren't any real militia posting on the internet, just keyboard commandos and mall ninjas. In their basement. In their underpants.

KinkyWinks ๐Ÿšซ


The Preppers horde the stuff and save it in a safe place. The Survivalists are the ones who kick their ass and take it. However some Preppers will tell you that you can take it if you can. Those would be the ones to avoid.

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


There are basically four relatively distinct groups.

Preppers - that's people who are ready for a disaster. Whether you live in Florida and already have your plywood pre-cut for the windows during hurricanes, or in Oklahoma and have your tornado shelter with water in it, you're prepared. You've got a bug-out bag with a couple days food and water in case you have to abandon home due to an emergency. You KNOW that the government isn't going to be able to help you for a week when the shit hits the fan, so you have supplies for yourself and your family.

Survivalist - you're ready for nuclear war, biological plague, zombie apocalypse, or whatever. You've got a place out somewhere that's reinforced to keep out unwelcome neighbors, and supplies laid in for a long time, so when the world goes to hell, you can survive by hiding in your bunker.

Militia - ordinary - these are the general idiots you see on TV. They like to get together and pose with their weapons. Most of them are more dangerous to themselves than they are to anyone else. This is typically your group of rednecks that think they know what they're doing, but really don't. Some of them are both preppers and survivalists; most of them are simply morons.

Militia - well regulated - THESE are the truly dangerous folks. But not to themselves, and not to their neighbors. They're prepared for a breakdown in civil order, and they're also generally constitutionalists. That means they're ready for anything from the Second Civil War, to foreign invasion. They have memberships that typically have former military and former law enforcement in the upper ranks of the hierarchy. They drill, they have regulations, they make sure they have weapons proficiency standards, and basically they see themselves as a civilian back-up to the State National Guard forces.


These guys really do see themselves as being on the side of truth, justice, and the American Way. As opposed to the well-regulated militias that are terrorist groups, and shouldn't be under the same title. Those guys are the ones that want to be warlords after the end of civilization, ruling their own territories. The FIRST well-regulated militia was to KEEP civilization from falling in the first place.

Paladin_HGWT ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

I mostly agree with your definitions.

Many, if not most "Preppers" are preparing themselves and their loved ones to survive 96 hours to maybe 14 days without access to stores, government, etc. Some, even many have firearms to protect themselves from criminals. They are not preparing for years of life without civilization.

Many Preppers believe in having not just a "Go-Bag" in their vehicle, but common sense things such as a first aid kit, tool kit, jumper cables, a couple of quarts/gallons of water, chains, a jacket, gloves, hat, walking shoes or boots, etc. Items useful in a sudden snowstorm, or similar circumstance.

Also the EDC: Every Day Carry: Wallet w/cash, ID, etc., a folding knife, a multi-tool, mini-flashlight, an possibly an IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) and possibly a pistol. (Some people carry quite a bit more, such as a water-filter straw, 10m cord, lighter/fire starter, etc.

The essential bit of EDC is you have it on your person every time you leave your home!

I think of it as similar to the "Ten Essentials" that you have on a casual day hike, a week in the Cascade Mts., or an Expedition to Mt. Everest.

I would also add a category:

Off Grid: folks who are prepared to live without public utilities (Electricity/Water/Sewer/Garbage disposal), and to grow their own food. Many are seeking a "less polluting" lifestyle, or a "locovores" some of them believe that AGW/"Climate Change" or other calamities, but not really a collapse of civilization. Many of these people are of a "Center-Left" political perspective, and don't have firearms (or at least not a primary form of defense from humans).

Paladin_HGWT ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

I mostly agree with your definitions.

Many, if not most "Preppers" are preparing themselves and their loved ones to survive 96 hours to maybe 14 days without access to stores, government, etc. Some, even many have firearms to protect themselves from criminals. They are not preparing for years of life without civilization.

Many Preppers believe in having not just a "Go-Bag" in their vehicle, but common sense things such as a first aid kit, tool kit, jumper cables, a couple of quarts/gallons of water, chains, a jacket, gloves, hat, walking shoes or boots, etc. Items useful in a sudden snowstorm, or similar circumstance.

Also the EDC: Every Day Carry: Wallet w/cash, ID, etc., a folding knife, a multi-tool, mini-flashlight, an possibly an IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) and possibly a pistol. (Some people carry quite a bit more, such as a water-filter straw, 10m cord, lighter/fire starter, etc.

The essential bit of EDC is you have it on your person every time you leave your home!

I think of it as similar to the "Ten Essentials" that you have on a casual day hike, a week in the Cascade Mts., or an Expedition to Mt. Everest.

I would also add a category:

Off Grid: folks who are prepared to live without public utilities (Electricity/Water/Sewer/Garbage disposal), and to grow their own food. Many are seeking a "less polluting" lifestyle, or a "locovores" some of them believe that AGW/"Climate Change" or other calamities, but not really a collapse of civilization. Many of these people are of a "Center-Left" political perspective, and don't have firearms (or at least not a primary form of defense from humans).

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Off Grid: folks who are prepared to live without public utilities (Electricity/Water/Sewer/Garbage disposal), and to grow their own food.

We do that now, though it's not prepping that drives it, nor concern about AGW. There are a lot of people like that. Unnecessary waste is a pet peeve of mine having witnessed true destitution in less civilized parts of the world. There are people in the third world that would be thrilled just to have the waste of the typical first world household.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


When I published my Great Death books, this became an issue, because the prepper/survivalists would glance at it and get actively upset because it didn't address the issues of either camp. However, they made the distinctions pretty clear.

"Survivalists" are those who train in surviving on their own, build homes that will survive without outside power and can hunt and feed themselves. "Preppers" though, are actually stockpiling for a coming apocalypse. For them, they're not interested in going it alone, they actively want to intervene and 'punish' those who couldn't see the 'writing on the wall'. In short, Survialists basically want to be left alone (like David), while Preppers want everyone to conform to their view of the universe, under pain of death after the apocalypse occurs and there's no longer Big Brother restricting them from doing whatever they want to do.

Other than that, the two sides are fairly nuanced, with distinctive groups within each one, but that's generally the understanding. And as Dominions Son points out, the Militias are yet a third group, who organize specifically to fight the current/ANY government that decrees what they can and can't do.

Replies:   Keet  irvmull
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

while Preppers want everyone to conform to their view of the universe, under pain of death after the apocalypse occurs and there's no longer Big Brother restricting them from doing whatever they want to do.

That may be a specific type of prepper. I think most preppers just wants to be prepared to survive a period of time until some kind of government or civilization has been reestablished. Most probably don't realize that this might take at lot longer than they are preparing for.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


That may be a specific type of prepper. I think most preppers just wants to be prepared to survive a period of time until some kind of government or civilization has been reestablished.

Let's put it this way, I and most experts have no specific numbers, but this particular group is certainly the most vocal online, and more outraged at anyone and everyone. But now agains, they're probably gravitated over the the QAnon conspiracy.

irvmull ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Correct, except for this part:

"Preppers want everyone to conform to their view of the universe, under pain of death after the apocalypse occurs and there's no longer Big Brother restricting them from doing whatever they want to do."

Nope, that's the Militia.

Preppers are preparing for a dramatic loss of life due to the average person being completely oblivious to reality outside their TV rooms. Most estimate 90% or more fatality, mainly due to disease, starvation, and violence, in the event of a catastrophic long-term power failure, earthquake, Yellowstone volcano, etc.

That's why preparation includes gathering food, medical supplies, and moving to safer locations, learning to farm, etc. There are a sizeable number of "preppers" who do not even own guns. You'll seldom find a "survivalist" who thinks he can get by without guns.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


There are a sizeable number of "preppers" who do not even own guns. You'll seldom find a "survivalist" who thinks he can get by without guns.

Preppers who don't own guns are called soft-targets, because they're not prepared for the one thing they should be most afraid of - their fellow man. They should realize that a gun in this case is like insurance - better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Preppers are survivalist who are trying to avoid the negative connotations of the term survivalist IMO. The media blurred the lines between the two in the 70's and 80's. Hollywood got into the act as well. Example of Hollywood getting into the act would be the survivors circa 1983
The movie doesn't paint a very flattering picture. It also blurred the lines with militias as well.
Since that time, preppers have avoided the term survivalist like the plague. So the direct answer is, no they are not the same.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


So the direct answer is, no they are not the same.

As far as I can determine survivalists almost always act in groups because they understand they can't survive on their own while a lot of preppers are loners that just stock up for himself and family.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Preppers by definition are preparing. Survivalist and militias have it in their heads that they are going to take from others the things they need to survive.

Preppers as a rule busy themselves with collecting what they need to survive ahead of time rather than depend on the fickle hands of fate.

There is some bleed over between them. Half&halfs I call them. My local area has all the above within 50 miles of me. They generally keep to themselves. However an observant person will recognize them.

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