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Creating e-pubs from source documents

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

When I got into creating my own e-pubs I originally created them from .ODT files and ended up with an average 50,000 word story running into 1.3 MB in size. Then when I started creating them from .HTML files I'd created the size dropped to half of that at about 0.68 MB. I moved on to creating my own e-pubs from a .HTML file using my own CSS code embedded in the file which covered every type of paragraph I used in the story, and the file size dropped to 0.25 MB. Thus my current method results in a file that's about 20% of what I get if created directly from the word processing file. I'm sure the readers prefer the much smaller files to download and use less space on their devices drives.

Note: I use html span commands for bold and italic text as well as colours.

However, I recently found that there is a worse way to create an e-pub file from a source document than direct from .ODT. I recently helped another author to create a new e-pub file for his document. His original e-pub had been created directly from his .DOCX file and it came out at 11.2 MB. After I worked on his story file to create an e-pub with my process the .HTML came out at 0.87 MB which is 7.8% of the original e-pub.

That's such a significant change I thought I'd mention it to all of you authors out there.

Note: What I did to his file is a bit more than a straight conversion to .HTML and the full details are listed below with the reasons.

1. There were no defined styles in the original document so I created the paragraph styles used in the story and I applied them to the paragraphs then saved the file as his preferred .docx - Note: This reduced the .docx text file by 45%. The styles were: Default for the general story text, Centered without italics, Centered with italics, Heading for the Title page story title, Heading 1 for chapter headings, Quotation for quotes which is aligned left (becomes blockquote in html).

2. The original text file had embedded fonts - I stopped the embedding of the fonts as the e-pub readers will usually override the e-pub font with the user's preferred font. Thus it's best not to have any fonts specified in the e-pub file. I don't know how much this would've affected the file size, but I'm sure it would've had some effect.

3. I saved the file as .HTML then used my scripts to strip out all of the excess format code, including the font type and size designations. Ran the script to convert all of the required font commands for bold and italics to span commands. Opened the .HTML file to add in my CSS code to the file instead of as a separate file to be called. This resulted in a file of 0.56 MB which is down from the 0.93 MB of the original .DOCX file and up a bit from the 0.49 MB of my revised .docx file.


Yes, there's a few steps and each change has an effect on the final product, but in this case the result is very dramatic. The change is so big I felt I should mention it for you all to know about and consider how you create your e-pubs.

If anyone is interested in seeing how the process works on their e-pubs I'm prepared to apply my system to a file for you, so contact my by PM if interested. It will probably take a few days to do as I'd fit it in my schedule as a medium priority issue.

typo edits

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

This resulted in a file of 0.56 MB which is ... and up a bit from the 0.49 MB of my revised .docx file.

Not surprising as both .odt and .docx are supposed to be compressed HTML (or XML, not sure which)

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Not surprising as both .odt and .docx are supposed to be compressed HTML (or XML, not sure which)

Xml, or rather multiple xml files compressed into a zip file. Html and xml have different structures that aren't comparable by any stretch. And even though odt and docx are both zipped xml files, their internal xml schema is different.
Just for fun you can can right-click an .odt or .docx file and open it with an archive program instead of the word processor. Html on the other hand is just a plain text file.

markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ

As the person who you helped I can say talking to you about it really helped a lot! Scrivener, which I love, doesn't do a good job of creating ePubs obviously. It's one of the few things I don't like about the program.

Having a template to use now will be a phenomenal tool to have!

I've never created one before so this was rather eye opening for me

Replies:   Keet  JoeBobMack
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Having a template to use now will be a phenomenal tool to have!

Templates rule! You can go very far with templates besides just setting the styles. Include a footer, a logo at the top, some default text. Makes it very easy to predefine invoices, quotes, etc.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


Templates rule! You can go very far with templates besides just setting the styles. Include a footer, a logo at the top, some default text. Makes it very easy to predefine invoices, quotes, etc.

Speaking of templates, I've long built both my production .docx and html files on my existing files, copying the CSS (< style> definitions) and simply replacing the actual text, rather than building each document from scratch. The main task, though, as I continually state at nearly every opportunity, is stripping out ALL of the internal WORD references to reduce the processing overhead.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

The main task, though, as I continually state at nearly every opportunity, is stripping out ALL of the internal WORD references to reduce the processing overhead.

Like I stated in another post, Word is the wrong tool for producing epubs. However, I understand why authors want to use it anyway.

JoeBobMack ๐Ÿšซ


Scrivener, which I love, doesn't do a good job of creating ePubs obviously.

Sigh! I'm using Scrivener, also, and I can't imagine organizing my stuff without it. I had hoped the publishing part, should I ever get there, wouldn't be a big deal. Oh, well. Nice to see that there are ways. At least I'll know to ask for help!

markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ


Sigh! I'm using Scrivener, also, and I can't imagine organizing my stuff without it. I had hoped the publishing part, should I ever get there, wouldn't be a big deal.

There are a few issues I've discovered with the publishing part, and to be fair, Scrivener is fairly easy to publish and does it fairly quickly. However, there are issues. The most glaring is that, as has been pointed out here in this thread, it adds in a TON of excess code that makes
The file much larger than it has to be. I also ran into issues while uploading to a different ebook site where the site was checking metadata and telling me I had a foreign language in it, which I didn't. It also had some issues with reading the ISBN number that I had assigned for the ebook. All of this was made more difficult because of Scrivener.

Now all of that being said, I still use Scrivener for writing and can't imagine using anything else. I just have a different approach that I'm going to take for creating an ebook with my next book.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


I also ran into issues while uploading to a different ebook site where the site was checking metadata and telling me I had a foreign language in it, which I didn't.

You need the following html commands in your ePub:

< title>Book Title< /title>
< meta name="author" content="Author Name">
< meta content="isbn:13-digit assigned isbn code" name="dtb:uid"/>

If you include those, then Calibre will automatically load them into your ePub files so they'll support the publisher's requirements.

There are a whole slew of additional commands for publishing books (ex: language, genre, story descriptions, etc.) but the recent changes to Calibre have abandoned support for the various publishing standards. :( But there are several listings of them online, if you're interested.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


Sigh! I'm using Scrivener, also, and I can't imagine organizing my stuff without it. I had hoped the publishing part, should I ever get there, wouldn't be a big deal. Oh, well. Nice to see that there are ways. At least I'll know to ask for help!

There are several of us who regularly publish to a variety of sources (I typically create a separately formatted document for each separate distributor, as they each have their own restrictions on what formatting they allow and/or support). For all the grief people give over Amazon, their formatting and coding is the most straightforward, in that the books I produce on Amazon look exactly like I design them, while most other outlets I've got to money with the formatting (hence the multiple documents for each book).

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

The problem I have with fiddling with the HTML is that it then becomes your source. If you make a change to the novel, you have to make it in the HTML (where you don't have the advantages of word processing) or change it in the word processor and then go through the manual HTML creation again. The latter being extra work and prone to error.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

The problem I have with fiddling with the HTML is that it then becomes your source. If you make a change to the novel, you have to make it in the HTML (where you don't have the advantages of word processing) or change it in the word processor and then go through the manual HTML creation again. The latter being extra work and prone to error.

It's not you that is the problem. The problem is that a word processor is the wrong tool if you want to create epubs from it. Word processors are designed to create good looking documents for printing. That's the reason why they do such a lousy job when converting to html, they were never intended to do that. I don't see that changing in the near future because it would require some basic design changes.
So, you either live with it or use a different tool. There's a reason why many authors write in a simple text editor. A full word processor adds very little to what you need and get with most text editors but they do keep your text clean for conversion to html. It all depends on what you expect the results to be. The easiest would be using an html editor. Available in WYSIWYG and with spell checking etc. Oh, and free, did I mention FREE?

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Available in WYSIWYG and with spell checking etc. Oh, and free, did I mention FREE?

You didn't mention: Where? From whom? What's then name of this editor?

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

You didn't mention: Where? From whom? What's then name of this editor?

There are several. For example Atom, available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Hundreds of available plugins for specific tasks. Like you have to setup your styles in Word you have to configure this to how you like it. Fortunately you can change just about everything if you want to. Plugins for spell checker, even one that uses the Windows spell checker if you're on Windows. Just searching for "WYSIWYG html editor" could have told you that. You yourself have to decide what you need and which editor offers that. Some like it plain and simple, others want a multitude of plugins to get as close to the 'Word experience' as possible. I mentioned Atom because it is very well maintained because a lot of web developers use it and contribute the project. As an author you won't use the specific html programming tools but you can create your html document just as well.
Atom is just one example, there are others, like BlueFish, you might prefer. Remember, an epub is basically a small web site contained in a zip file so it's not so strange to use a programmers tool to create it.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


The problem is that a word processor is the wrong tool if you want to create epubs from it.

I use Word for formatting: indenting, extra indenting like blockquote, centering, italics, line spacing, paragraph spacing, etc. And Heading 1 for chapter headings for Calibre to build the ToC. Of course I use the other features of Word like find and replace, etc.

And one other important thing for SOL. If I post my novel on SOL, I have to break it into files for each chapter. I do that with a global change to change a paragraph mark to a double paragraph mark since SOL doesn't support indenting (doing that "replace all" adds the blank line between paragraphs) as well as other things required by the Wizard. It's the modified docx files that I submit to the Wizard.

There are other features I use in Word, like having hot links on the left of the document to jump to a chapter. I use that all the time. Even the "open recent" and being able to automatically be positioned where I had left off the last time I saved it is something I would miss.

I also use the spell and grammar checkers. I find them helpful, not that I agree with them all the time.

I'm sure there are many other features I'm not even thinking about because they're second nature.

I'm an author, not a programmer. I'll let the programmer convert my novel to an ebook. In my case, the programmer is Calibre. If it creates bloated HTML, so be it as long as it works.

Replies:   Keet  Crumbly Writer
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I'm an author, not a programmer. I'll let the programmer convert my novel to an ebook. In my case, the programmer is Calibre. If it creates bloated HTML, so be it as long as it works.

If you are comfortable with what you work with you should stick to it. That's the most important thing. Using a html editor doesn't make you a programmer, it's a tool that is used by many people, including but not exclusively programmers.
You didn't mention any feature that a decent html editor doesn't have. Most even have better facilities for handling multiple documents, i.e. chapters. As said, use what you are comfortable with but then you must also accept it's flaws.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


Most even have better facilities for handling multiple documents, i.e. chapters.

Switch never claimed that html files didn't support multiple chapters, he complained that SOL didn't, requiring you to post individual chapters, typically one at a time, as the SOL moderators like to review what you're posting to prevent various bugs from screwing up the posts.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

he complained that SOL didn't, requiring you to post individual chapters, typically one at a time, as the SOL moderators like to review what you're posting

I wasn't complaining. And the decision to post individual chapters is mine so that I don't post the entire novel at once but rather spread it out over time.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I wasn't complaining. And the decision to post individual chapters is mine so that I don't post the entire novel at once but rather spread it out over time.

You can still post it all at one time (via a single post), you just have to date each individual chapter. I did it once and screwed it up so badly, I vowed never to risk doing it again. But luckily, Lazeez saved my ass once again!

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I also use the spell and grammar checkers. I find them helpful, not that I agree with them all the time.

They're actually much more useful with the more recent versions of WORD. You may also be interested in utilizing the "Start reading at" command (under Calibre's Convert feature's "Structure detection" options and insert the following command:

//h:h2[re:test(@name, "Sec11", "I")]

so readers can skip over any of your 'front matter' like your Title Page, Acknowledgment, Copyright page or other regulatory requirements.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

so readers can skip over any of your 'front matter' like your Title Page, Acknowledgment, Copyright page or other regulatory requirements.

Why would I want readers to skip over my front matter? I even begin my front matter with the novel title that I define as H1 so it shows up in the ToC. I want readers to read the front matter. A list of all my novels is in the front matter.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Why would I want readers to skip over my front matter?

Switch, I think CW meant the fine font detail. The code from the word processing software designates the font type, the font size, and the font colour. While in e-pubs and on web pages most readers have their own preferred fonts, font sizes, and font colours they want to use. Thus it's usual, and preferred, that you don't designate that in your HTML code or your e-pub code.

Where my original LO html code will designate a paragraph as being in the font Palatino Linotype with a font size of 10 in black I strip all of that out before making the e-pub. Where the LO html code will designate a H1 headings as being 18 point in bold red text centred in the line I reduce that to being H1 class="head 1" which is defined in the CSS code with a color: red, the alignment: center, and a font-size: 2.0em - that lets the reader's system assign the font and basic font size.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

I think CW meant the fine font detail. The code from the word processing software designates the font type, the font size, and the font colour.

No, he specifically mentioned the title page, acknowledgements, copyright, etc. He codes it so the reader skips over that and begins at Chapter 1.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

No, he specifically mentioned the title page, acknowledgements, copyright, etc. He codes it so the reader skips over that and begins at Chapter 1.

that sounds real weird.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

that sounds real weird.

Why? That's pretty standard behavior for ebooks on Amazon from the Dead Tree publishers.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Why? That's pretty standard behavior for ebooks on Amazon from the Dead Tree publishers.

maybe it's an Amazon requirement for the e-pubs as the e-pubs I buy from the dead tree publishers all flow in the usual way with the title page and copyright info set out the same as for a print book.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

maybe it's an Amazon requirement for the e-pubs as the e-pubs I buy from the dead tree publishers all flow in the usual way with the title page and copyright info set out the same as for a print book.

This is also true for most Kindle books from Amazon, particularly those from traditional publishers.

It's not that the front material isn't there where you would expect it, it's just that when the Kindle reader opens most books for the first time it automatically jumps forward to the start of chapter 1.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Switch, I think CW meant the fine font detail.

No, I meant "front matter" (ex: Title Page, Copyright page, Acknowledgments, etc.).

I just find it easier to drop the reader right into the start of the story, and then hope they enjoy the story to back up and check out my other books before they move on to the next story (though I still haven't figured out how to do the same for my regular (i.e. non-ePub) eBooks.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Why would I want readers to skip over my front matter? I even begin my front matter with the novel title that I define as H1 so it shows up in the ToC. I want readers to read the front matter. A list of all my novels is in the front matter.

I do too, and they're still located at the top of the TOC (for ePubs, those typically only show up in a drop-down list) but it allows readers to jump immediately into the story. Took me quite a while to figure out how the hell to activate it, though. And, of course, immediately after my story conclusion is the Preview of my next story.

But since you mentioned internal links, each epigraph includes a link to my Citations page (and links back again), and clicking on any chapter title (including the Preview chapter), immediately takes the reader to the Table of Contents.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

And, of course, immediately after my story conclusion is the Preview of my next story.

I removed the previews at the end of my novels. All I have now at the end (without a page break) is a list of my novels (duplicating what's in the front matter) and important links (like to my discussion group). If someone liked the novel, I want them to see the titles of my others right away.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I removed the previews at the end of my novels. All I have now at the end (without a page break) is a list of my novels (duplicating what's in the front matter) and important links (like to my discussion group). If someone liked the novel, I want them to see the titles of my others right away.

That might be handy, but I dislike duplicating front matter in the back matter as much as I object to duplicating the same scenes throughout the story, or endless repeating the same points, over and over. It's not only kludgy, it's incredibly irritate for readers!

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


The problem is that a word processor is the wrong tool if you want to create epubs from it. Word processors are designed to create good looking documents for printing. That's the reason why they do such a lousy job when converting to html, they were never intended to do that.

Except, since most of us write for serious readers who regularly consume a LOT of books, we want our books to look like printed books, as they appear more professional than a simple collection of pure text chapters.

Also, the reason why many of us concentrate on using word processors is that we base our writing on using paragraph STYLES, to guarantee that each different paragraph follows the same rules and appears consistent, again rather than just stringing one text string after another with a line break < br> between them.

Word Processors, html code and ePubs all emphasize the use of Defines Styles (CSS definitions), whereas few text-based application either allow or recognize them. :(

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

Also, the reason why many of us concentrate on using word processors is that we base our writing on using paragraph STYLES, to guarantee that each different paragraph follows the same rules and appears consistent, again rather than just stringing one text string after another with a line break < br> between them.

I don't understand the problem. That is exactly what you can perfectly do with html and css, css was designed for this type of styling! Style your < p > once in css and every paragraph will follow that style. Can't get any easier than that.

Word Processors, html code and ePubs all emphasize the use of Defines Styles (CSS definitions), whereas few text-based application either allow or recognize them. :(

That's where you are wrong. Html en epubs (basically also html) use CSS for styling where word processors each have their own system for style definitions. That is what causes the biggest problem: how well does the word processor translate it's own styles to css styles or how well does an external program convert your Word styles to css. That's mostly where it goes wrong and manual adjustments are required to get something acceptable. So far I haven't seen any program do a clean conversion from MS Word to html so it's clean for creating epubs. No, not Calibre either. It works but if you look at the source it's a huge mess with the same styles repeatedly defined dozens of times because it couldn't determine that it was a previously used style. No surprise if ever looked at the source of a docx file.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


That is exactly what you can perfectly do with html and css, css was designed for this type of styling! Style your < p > once in css and every paragraph will follow that style. Can't get any easier than that.

HTML/CSS is a programming language to me. And its syntax is more complex for me than any programming language I ever programmed in. So therefore prone to error.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

HTML/CSS is a programming language to me. And its syntax is more complex for me than any programming language I ever programmed in. So therefore prone to error.

I actually find most HTML and CSS easier to follow than most of the other programming languages I've used in the past. You've got me email, if you want me to go over any HTML or CSS code, just send it to me and I'll look at it.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

HTML/CSS is a programming language to me. And its syntax is more complex for me than any programming language I ever programmed in. So therefore prone to error.

HTML and CSS are descriptive languages, a programming language if you will. The power is in the browser. But if you look at it objectively a word processor is also a programming editor. You have to click your way through all kinds of settings and you probably fought a few times with margins etc. No different from programming and compared to html I would say html is a lot easier.
If you have followed Ernest's posts about html and css you must have noticed how simple it actually is compared to all the possible settings in a modern word processor. For me it's easier to create a fancy html page than a complex word document. With css I see exactly what effect each style has where with a word processor I have to click through styles and I can't easily see where that style is applied. With html I find it very easy to see where a style is applied since I can clearly see the references to the CSS.
I think the problem is more like "html is programming" and "Word is writing", no matter that they are both tools to create a document that displays in a certain way.
But as I said before, I understand that authors want to use a "normal" word processor. It's what you're used to and what you are "expected" to use. It's very hard to change that even if your main goal is putting out epubs.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


"html is programming" and "Word is writing"

Ironically, I got into writing to learn HTML.

I was in IT. Mainframes mostly. I wanted to learn about the internet so I thought I'd create a website. What to create? At the time, I read stories on White Shadows so I figured I'd build a story site like that. But I needed content before authors found the site and submitted theirs so I wrote short stories.

I learned HTML and then CSS from tutorials I found and w3schools. It was fun because it was new and I had been out of the technical side of IT for years (being in management).

When I wrote my first novel and decided to self-publish it, I didn't know about Calibre. I converted the Word doc to HTML manually. I actually thought it was a good thing to do because I thought I would have a web version as well as an ebook version thinking I'd have a website for my novels. That never happened. Only recently did I convert that HTML back to docx and then feed it into Calibre to create the ebook. I had to do that because I had made changes in the HTML file for the novel itself so the latest version of the novel was in the HTML file. At that point I decided my source would always be in Word.

Replies:   Keet  Crumbly Writer
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

At that point I decided my source would always be in Word.

And you had regrets how many times? ;)
(since you know html which apparently worked for you.)

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


And you had regrets how many times? ;)

Every time I wanted to change something in that ebook. Not just the novel, but the front matter too, like a list of my novels. I finally bit the bullet and converted it back to Word when I published on Bookapy.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


And you had regrets how many times? ;)
(since you know html which apparently worked for you.)

Except, creating html files is probably only 5% (very top end of the required time), while the rest in focused on writing, perfecting and refining the story (I format as I go). So, once again, focusing on the html is putting the bolts holding the cart's railings in place before the horses!

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Only recently did I convert that HTML back to docx and then feed it into Calibre to create the ebook. I had to do that because I had made changes in the HTML file for the novel itself so the latest version of the novel was in the HTML file. At that point I decided my source would always be in Word.

I prefer writing each chapter individually in a Word Processor. You don't need to search for the various commands, as I only use a very select group of options which I use in ALL of my books, so it's simply to use one document to create each subsequent one. And then, it's fairly simply to convert the text and Style definitions from the one into the other.

But Keet is right, most of us 'old timers' use WORD (or whichever Word Processor you prefer) because we used it in business for decades, and now it's second nature. Still, those tools ARE designed for writing, while html programs ARE designed for coding, NOT creative storytelling!

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

HTML/CSS is a programming language to me. And its syntax is more complex for me than any programming language I ever programmed in. So therefore prone to error.

It's hardly more complex, however it is much more prone to errors, as there is NO error-handling protocols like most other programming languages!

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ


I don't understand the problem. That is exactly what you can perfectly do with html and css, css was designed for this type of styling! Style your < p > once in css and every paragraph will follow that style. Can't get any easier than that.

That wasn't the point. I emphasized WHY so many of us prefer Word Processors rather than either text, mark-up or html programs to write with. It allows the books published via other distributors (Amazon, SW, etc.) to look nearly the same as our ePubs (SW, Bookapy, etc.). When we generate the html, it employs the same CSS (though, as usual, I clean that up as well).

I've never been a fan of overly simplified author tools.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

The problem I have with fiddling with the HTML is that it then becomes your source.

Actually, my Libre Office .odt files is still my master file where I make any and all changes. The process is simple:

Write in LO and save as .ODT then save a copy as .HTML and .PDF. - print ready PDF file for Lulu.

Run my prepared sh script on the .HTML file to prepare a clean .HTML file.

Manually add in my CSS code to the clean .HTML file. This is also a good web page now.

Import the CSS .HTML file into Calibre, enter the rest of the metadata into Calibre, then use Calibre to create the .EPUB file then run again to create the .MOBI file.

Note: I've another .sh file I run on the original .HTML file to create the SoL .HTML file as I have a different CSS code set for that.

Note: The hardest part is the manual entry of the code for the images I want in the text area of the story file. The work is simple just hard as in time consuming to get it right in the correct place.

Note to add: The problems I have with images is they are the single biggest time consumer task in the conversion due to having to locate each set of image code in the file and then making sure I have the correct code for each image when I replace it. I have to ensure I get them in the right order when I replace the code and there's nothing in initial conversion code to help guide me. Thus I have to take the time to do it right. It's no major issue, just time consuming in relation to the rest of the conversion.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Note to add: The problems I have with images is they are the single biggest time consumer task in the conversion due to having to locate each set of image code in the file and then making sure I have the correct code for each image when I replace it. I have to ensure I get them in the right order when I replace the code and there's nothing in initial conversion code to help guide me. Thus I have to take the time to do it right. It's no major issue, just time consuming in relation to the rest of the conversion.

Ernest, if you could email me your current .sh html conversion file, I'd appreciate (though I'll probably have to convert the .ODT references to .DOCX ones). In exchange, since I typically include multiple graphic images in each of my published books, I can review the necessary html code to properly display a wide variety of images. Once you get the basic formatting, it's pretty straightforward (ex: < p class=/> < span class="centered">(required to view on Apple devices) and the usual < img src="..." alt=" image description for the visually impaired "/>).

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

Ernest, if you could email me your current .sh html conversion file, I'd appreciate (though I'll probably have to convert the .ODT references to .DOCX ones).

Will email the file. I've got the correct image codes. It's just a little time consuming to have to go through the file to manually replace it in the file.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Will email the file. I've got the correct image codes. It's just a little time consuming to have to go through the file to manually replace it in the file.

That's what Search and/or Replace is for. ;)

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Crumbly Writer

That's what Search and/or Replace is for. ;)

That only works when you have the 'exact wording' of what is being replaced and what is replacing it. Also, if each instance is different, you still have to do a manual replacement of the code to have it correct.

Replies:   Crumbly Writer  Keet
Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

That only works when you have the 'exact wording' of what is being replaced and what is replacing it. Also, if each instance is different, you still have to do a manual replacement of the code to have it correct.

Of course, but the most bothersome is the formatting of the necessary codes, while the filename and alt-explanation are relatively simple matters.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

That only works when you have the 'exact wording' of what is being replaced and what is replacing it.

If they are different but with a unique pattern you could use a regex for search&replace. If you have never used a regex a small warning: they look like the chemical name of a medicine does to a patient: making no sense at all. But they are very powerful and usually very fast.

Crumbly Writer ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

The problem I have with fiddling with the HTML is that it then becomes your source. If you make a change to the novel, you have to make it in the HTML (where you don't have the advantages of word processing) or change it in the word processor and then go through the manual HTML creation again. The latter being extra work and prone to error.

I've always made the changes in my source .docx file, then produce the html as a 'filtered html' and, after cleaning up the code (ex. changing the 'special characters' like em-dashes, ellipses and copyright symbols to the html &####; commands) to produce my ePubs in Calibre, rather than Scrivener.

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