Hi everyone, happy to be here! I have a question that I think I can get advice on here?
One of the stories I'm writing right now involves a game of hide and seek on a college campus, and I feel like there needs to be a strong sense of place and geography so that readers can follow in their heads how the characters are moving around.
It occurred to me that maybe including a simple map of some sort to at least show the visual relationships between the parts of campus would be helpful. I can figure out the technical parts of including it in a post or ebook or whatever; that shouldn't be too hard.
The main issue I have is that I am a terrible artist (there's a reason I use words lol) and I really don't know the best way of going about drawing even a schematic sort of map would be. It's unfortunately a fictional college with a geography that fits the story, so I can't just grab a map from a real college, sadly. So I do need to draw it myself somehow.
Should I just use a bunch of boxes and lines in PowerPoint and screenshot it? Are there good programs for these sorts of things? What do people advise?