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Too much sex

busoperator62085 ๐Ÿšซ

I don't get it. why would some of you guys/gals screw up a really good storyline by overdoing the sex scene descriptions. If that is the kind of story you want to write - write it! but when you have a good story to tell, overdescribing the sex scenes detract from your talent as a storyteller unless that is the type of reader you want to attract.
Sory for my rant but I have started to read many stories and was really enjoying the story until I had to scroll through many paragraphs of gratuitous sex scenes. It was disheartening since most of the time the story description did not give any indication this was a sex story.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


since most of the time the story description did not give any indication this was a sex story

Read the Sex Contents which is the first thing under the description: No Sex, Minimal Sex, Some Sex, Much Sex, Stroke. Why would an author put that in the description?

Replies:   bk69  Eddie Davidson
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I assumed that OP was just disagreeing as to how much sexual content each of those categories included as compared to the writers. Which given how arbitrary some people's decisions about such things are, seemed safe.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I assumed that OP was just disagreeing as to how much sexual content each of those categories included as compared to the writers.

I don't think that's a fair assumption in this case as the OP was demanding that the description note that it's a sex story.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Might be. I always thought the 'description' included the synopsis, the codes, the story classification, and the genre, all combined. But it's possible the OP was using some different definition.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I always thought the 'description' included the synopsis, the codes, the story classification, and the genre, all combined.

It kind of looks that way on the story lists, but the posting wizard calls just the synopsis text a description.

And then you go back to what the OP said:

It was disheartening since most of the time the story description did not give any indication this was a sex story.

But the posting wizard won't let you not specify a sex level, so the above would be impossible if you include "the codes, the story classification, and the genre" as part of the "description"

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

But the posting wizard won't let you not specify a sex level, so the above would be impossible if you include "the codes, the story classification, and the genre" as part of the "description"

True. But it does make it possible that the OP has a different definition of a 'sex story' than some others. Like, 'some sex' would indicate to most that there will be at least one or two graphic scenes, but maybe OP thought it would all be alluded to but occur off-screen?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


But it does make it possible that the OP has a different definition of a 'sex story' than some others.

We as authors are not obligated t cater to his definition of a 'sex story'.

but maybe OP thought it would all be alluded to but occur off-screen?

If that is truly what he thought, then I can't say what I think of him in polite company.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

I didn't claim OP wasn't a complete fuckin' idiot. Just that there was a simple possible explanation of what he meant.

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ


I didn't claim OP wasn't a complete fuckin' idiot.

Not exactly the most encouraging way to refer to new contributors... Perhaps you might consider being more welcoming? After all, it is possible to be a complete idiot in areas unconnected with copulation.


Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


a complete idiot

Many are not complete idiots. They may be Circumcised or had their tonsils removed.

Eddie Davidson ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Sometimes I wish I had an auto-sex fluffer generator that added all the spicy details to the lovemaking. I plug in the number of males/females and what they are doing and then it generates it for me mad-lib style. I replace all the pronouns with character names as appropriate and slide it into the dirty story I am telling.

If I have to write about two girls giving head behind a gas station - I am more about the humiliation they feel, the taste of the dirty dicks and the chance of getting caught/risk versus the reward of getting paid.

I need that fluffer-flourish to add the little details about the way they sucked those cocks so the reader can see it as clearly in their head as I see it in mine.

Judasunchained ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

Not for any of the stories published here, but I've used GPT-2 to generate a few sex scenes. They needed quite a bit of editing (names, some of the logic) but it sort of worked. GPT-3 is meant to be much better.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

Sometimes I wish I had an auto-sex fluffer generator that added all the spicy details to the lovemaking. I plug in the number of males/females and what they are doing and then it generates it for me mad-lib style. I replace all the pronouns with character names as appropriate and slide it into the dirty story I am telling.

One of the reasons I skip most of the sex scenes in stories is that it seems like they all come from the same generator :)
Very, very few know how to create really original and compelling sex scenes that add anything significant to the story. For stroke stories I can understand that, they have a different audience than what I read. The 'rest' would often be better of with shorter and less descriptive sex scenes.

StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ

@Eddie Davidson

Sometimes I wish I had an auto-sex fluffer generator that added all the spicy details to the lovemaking.

One advantage to multiple screens. Start a movie on your favorite free porn site on screen one. Pause, and type the action on screen two. Rinse, repeat. I've done that a few times, when I really wasn't sure how to describe a loving multiple women lesbian love scene.

bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


The development of online storytelling over the years is partially responsible.
Back in the dark times, when there was only rec.arts.erotica and alt.sex.stories (along with pockets of anime fanfic - itself mostly lemon/hentai) from USENET, short stroke stories ruled.
From that wasteland of fiction, rose up a few greats - Blackie, Elf Sternberg, Father Ignatius, Homer Vargas... writers who - while their stories were undoubtedly very sexualized in content - actually told stories beyond the sex.
Then, with the spread of net access, sites like SOL arose and a golden age of sex stories arose: writers like Don Lockwood and Al Steiner and NetWolf(in all his fifteen or so personae) and Lalong appeared. Still, their stories were based on sexual content, but the stories were more and more important, and the quality of writing improved. Towards the end of the Golden Age, Gins Marie Wylie and a number of similarly minded writers pushed to stories that didn't shy away from sexual situations but didn't require the sexual content to draw readers... while rache appeared to drive more niche, kink-driven stories into the realm of greater writing.

The thing is, now people can read stories from any era. People tend to write stories like those which they like reading, or like they would like to read if they could find them. So you get people who read a mix of stroke stories and Lazlo Zalezac stories trying to combine the two divergent story types. And yeah, sometimes it gets gratuitous. I remember Gina commenting on why she had begun not including so much sex in her stories, something about thinking while writing something "I guess I could work a sex scene in here" but just marking that to do later, since she wanted to get on with the plotline...and then deciding afterwards that she didn't want to feel obligated to include sex scenes just to appease one segment of the audience. Not everyone is going to reach that point tho.

Replies:   red61544
red61544 ๐Ÿšซ


NetWolf(in all his fifteen or so personae)

Don't mean to take the discussion off track (which is where they always go) but I like Net Wolf. How many of his pen names can you come up with so I can be sure I don't miss any of his stories.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


I don't get it. why would some of you guys/gals screw up a really good storyline by overdoing the sex scene descriptions.

Many times, it depends on what the concept of the story is, and where that particular scene fits into the ultimate narration.

I tend to go both ways myself, especially in my longer works. I may have 2 or 3 short and fairly basic descriptions of sex between characters. But then in the same story have almost an entire chapter dedicated to a single encounter. Which can be rather detailed and graphic.

But in each of those, I am writing as a first person narration, and that is essentially how the character is choosing to remember it. Some encounters are simply more memorable than others.

But ultimately, it is a story I am trying to write. The sex is simply part of that story.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


The sex is simply part of that story

Maybe not even simply.

My novel "Sexual Awakening" has two themes. The overarching one is revenge. The second one is how overzealous religious parents could screw up their child with their misguided beliefs. The sex is important to both. First, the hero uses sex to seek revenge. Second, there is a sexual awakening in the heroine as a result. The story wouldn't make sense without the sex scenes. They are not gratuitous sex scenes. They are in integral to the story.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


I'm currently reading one of the site's classics. It's a damn good thriller. But when the nipple pinching and the clit sucking starts, I page down to the end of the sex scene.

I wonder whether there's an inverse relationship between story length and the impact of its sex scenes.


sunseeker ๐Ÿšซ

What is considered "some sex" and "much sex"? To me sex in every chapter or almost every chapter is "much sex" and not "some sex".

"Much sex" to me is when it happens frequently throughout the story

"Some sex" would be every once in awhile and "minimal sex" would be a couple of a few times over the entire story...

Nowadays I prefer the "some sex" and "minimal sex" stories and it ticks me off when I start reading a story that says "some sex" and there is sex in almost every chapter posted.

Ok, that's my little rant,,, :)

Replies:   Keet  Uther_Pendragon
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Nowadays I prefer the "some sex" and "minimal sex" stories and it ticks me off when I start reading a story that says "some sex" and there is sex in almost every chapter posted.

Same with me, I simply skip most of the sex. Every author interprets the amount of sex differently and we as readers do the same. Like you I don't consider sex in every chapter "some sex" but more like "much sex", which I avoid unless I expect a good story.

Uther_Pendragon ๐Ÿšซ


8/24/2020, 7:17:01 AM
What is considered "some sex" and "much sex"? To me sex in every chapter or almost every chapter is "much sex" and not "some sex".

That is a question which has bothered me, although I don't agree with your answer.
Back in the days I was writing a lot of short stuff -- under 10k -- most of those stories were a single scene or connected string of scenes. Either they had no sex scene -- and were "no sex" -- or they culminated in the sex scene -- and were "much sex."
I label most of my work these days, "some sex." which may fit into the site definitions, but fails to distinguish among a great variety in my own stories.
The General's Store has one sex scene before the last chapter. That includes a wedding-night scene and some subsequent sex. OTOH, the earlier sex scene is much shorter than the later ones. Does the amount of sex in the scene make a difference? Do the number of sex scenes in the chapter make a difference?
OTOH, a few of my short pieces are all about sex without the sex happening on stage. Pharmacy, my only story with fewer than 100 words, is about purchasing a condom. Prone is not Synonymous With Supine, or Let me Put That to You Another Way, o the site with a truncated title, end before the intercourse begins; Afterwards begins just after the intercourse ends.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

All I say is: "What can you find on SOL that you can't find better in a bookstore or your local library?"

Replies:   Crosley  Keet
Crosley ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

...Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

All I say is: "What can you find on SOL that you can't find better in a bookstore or your local library?"

For example a Lazlo Zalezac and many other excellent authors. I would have to buy 20+ books before I found one that will give me the same enjoyment some of the books here on SOL give me. Or spend hours in a library to find something comparable. SOL/FS/SFS are the places that work best for me.

joyR ๐Ÿšซ

If you use a method to randomly create scenes and call yourself a writer, isn't that like painting by numbers and calling yourself an artist..??

Either you write what you know, or you write from research, or simply use your imagination. But if you simply copy or edit a generated scene, or transcribe a scene from a movie, that isn't writing. Though it is damn close to plagiarism.

Replies:   StarFleet Carl
StarFleet Carl ๐Ÿšซ


transcribe a scene from a movie, that isn't writing. Though it is damn close to plagiarism.

Transcribing the WORDS would be plagiarism. I don't think that describing in writing the actions is. There are really only so many ways that tab A can go into either slot A, B, or C. Or finger / tongue / toe. And that's where the imagination fails, sometimes, which means to get the appropriate scene, you have to look elsewhere for inspiration.

At least neither of us stole a Kurosawa film and called it 'Star Wars'.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@StarFleet Carl

'Star Wars

If a dark pimples grow on a star that would be star warts.

Replies:   Mushroom  awnlee jawking
Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


If a dark pimples grow on a star that would be star warts.

Nope, pimples are caused by blocked pores, warts by a virus.

You are thinking of Space Herpes.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


If a dark pimples grow on a star that would be star warts.

Another Forum topic is 'Heartwarming', which is almost a spoonerism of 'wart harming'

BTW, what is your native language? In 'a dark pimples grow', the subject and verb don't match.


mrherewriting ๐Ÿšซ


but when you have a good story to tell, overdescribing the sex scenes detract from your talent as a storyteller unless that is the type of reader you want to attract.

You answered your own rant.

Writers aren't writing for you. They are writing for people interested in the same things they are.

Replies:   Keet  Mushroom
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Writers aren't writing for you. They are writing for people interested in the same things they are.

Or for the money which generally has a large impact on a story to keep it 'general purpose' and 'socially acceptable'. That usually results in a less interesting story, one of the reasons I like SOL so much. Most writers here are okay with earning a little on the side but they mainly write what they want, not what is expected.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


they mainly write what they want, not what is expected.

Exactly. An editor of a traditional publisher told me she couldn't publish my 1st novel because the heroine committed adultery. In the Romance genre, that's a no-no. No exceptions. She agreed that I couldn't change the wife to a fiancee, but said her hands were tied.

Not everyone likes my stories, but I don't write them for everyone.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


Writers aren't writing for you. They are writing for people interested in the same things they are.

Very true, or to be more accurate, at least some of us write for ourselves.

I resumed writing like this because I found most stories were simply horrible. So I started to write the kinds of stories I would like to read. Longer, with characters that had more personality than a paper doll.

I still occasionally browse through archives, and laugh at how short the older stories were. Go to a place like Nifty, and you may go through 2 years or more in a category before you find one over 50k. The majority are not even 10k in size.

ystokes ๐Ÿšซ

The sad thing is is that I am sure I have passed over some really great stories because of the level of sex mentioned and/or the description didn't do it justice.

It turned out one of my most favorite stories is by one of my favorite writers but I would pass it by for years because of the level of sex and it involved the porn industry so I thought is would be all sex all the time. It wasn't and I am so glad I read it.

Replies:   Keet  Switch Blayde
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


It turned out one of my most favorite stories is by one of my favorite writers but I would pass it by for years because of the level of sex and it involved the porn industry so I thought is would be all sex all the time. It wasn't and I am so glad I read it.

I bet that was Jay Cantrell's story Daze in the Valley. In the past I tended to do the same but I have learned that authors judge what is 'some sex' and 'much sex' very differently. I didn't skip that story because, well, it's Jay Cantrell, always a good read. I was not disappointed.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


Jay Cantrell, always a good read.

If it wasn't for the fact that universal statements are always wrong, I'd be tempted to agree.

But yeah, almost all of what Jay's got out there is pretty good.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


universal statements are always wrong

Which is itself a universal statement. :)

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Which was intentional.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


The sad thing is is that I am sure I have passed over some really great stories because of the level of sex mentioned

The #1 story in the Top 50 Classic Long Stories ("Greenies" by Al Steiner) has "Much Sex" (score = 9.56).

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

The #1 story in the Top 50 Classic Long Stories ("Greenies" by Al Steiner) has "Much Sex" (score = 9.56).

It's a story from 2005. I extract at least a point for stories from more than 10-12 years ago to compare to todays score. Back then was also a time where stories virtually had to have much sex to get a decent score. Nothing wrong with that, just that the scoring was different and not comparable to todays scoring. It would have scored high today too but I don't think it would reach over 9 (which is very hard to get nowadays anyway).

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


Back then was also a time where stories virtually had to have much sex to get a decent score.

Whatever the reason, if you do a Category Search and don't check "Much Sex" in the "Sex Contents" section it won't show in the results.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Whatever the reason, if you do a Category Search and don't check "Much Sex" in the "Sex Contents" section it won't show in the results.

If you don't check 'much sex' the 'any' category will remain checked and it will show everything, including 'much sex'. My response was about the Top 50 Classic Long Stories list you mentioned. It's very hard for 'new' classics to enter because stories back then were scored so high.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


I extract at least a point for stories from more than 10-12 years ago to compare to todays score. Back then was also a time where stories virtually had to have much sex to get a decent score. Nothing wrong with that, just that the scoring was different and not comparable to todays scoring.

That's why the scoring system has the algorithm to to adjust scores from the different scoring systems to a chosen mean. It makes the older scores relevant to the current scores.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

That's why the scoring system has the algorithm to to adjust scores from the different scoring systems to a chosen mean. It makes the older scores relevant to the current scores.

I know, but that can only correct scores to be comparable to a certain extend. Not enough if you ask me but there's a limit to what you can achieve with making different scoring systems comparable.

Mushroom ๐Ÿšซ


Back then was also a time where stories virtually had to have much sex to get a decent score.

Also compared to most sites of the era (ASSTR, Nifty), this site quickly found a higher number of good writers, and many readers were coming from those other places. So the stories here quickly jumped out as being higher scored.

And today, you have it often offset by "score bombers", who do not like some aspect, so rank a story low because of that. I have had more than one person say they gave me a 2 or 3 because it did not cover some kink they were interested in (never mind that such a thing never appeared in the codes either).

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Also compared to most sites of the era (ASSTR, Nifty), this site quickly found a higher number of good writers, and many readers were coming from those other places. So the stories here quickly jumped out as being higher scored.

And today, you have it often offset by "score bombers", who do not like some aspect, so rank a story low because of that. I have had more than one person say they gave me a 2 or 3 because it did not cover some kink they were interested in (never mind that such a thing never appeared in the codes either).

Can't argue with that. The score bombers might very well be the reason that keeps the current stories to a lower score compared to the older classics. I definitely agree that SOL quickly found a higher quality of writers, it still does. Some I consider to be a lot better than some of the 'famous' published writers.

ystokes ๐Ÿšซ

From the reviews there doesn't seem to have much sex in the first place let alone qualify as Much Sex .

PotomacBob ๐Ÿšซ


I don't get it. why would some of you guys/gals screw up a really good storyline by overdoing the sex scene descriptions. If that is the kind of story you want to write - write it! but when you have a good story to tell, overdescribing the sex scenes detract from your talent as a storyteller unless that is the type of reader you want to attract.

I don't get it. Why would some of you guys/gals screw up a really good storyline by UNDERdoing the sex scene descriptions. If that is the kind of story you want to write - write it! But when you have a good story to tell, UNDERdescribing your sex scenes detract from your talent as a storyteller unless that is the type of reader you want to attract.
Why do they make both red wagons and green wagons, anyway?

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


Why do they make both red wagons and green wagons

From the manufacturer's site:

December 03, 2012
posted by Robert Pasin
Everyone always asks me, "Why are Radio Flyer wagons red?"

I always struggle to answer this question because nobody really knows the answer.

Sometimes I say, "It is because my grandfather was an Italian immigrant and all Italians love the color red โ€” think Ferraris, spaghetti sauce, and wine."

Other times I say, "It's because kids love the color red because it is synonymous with excitement and speed โ€” think fire engines, sirens, and race cars."

Still other times I say, "It is because red connects with people deeply because is communicates passion, life and love โ€” think hearts, roses, and cupid."

While I think there is truth in all of these answers, many people don't know that for the first few decades of our company's existence, we made wagons that were blue, green, yellow, and other colors. The fact is red wagons always sold the best -- perhaps for the reasons listed above -- and over time the Little Red Wagon became the iconic representation of American Childhood that it is today.

That's why Radio Flyer wagons are red."

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