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Anyone interested in starting a Discord chat for Authors?

tarebear422 ๐Ÿšซ

I'm admittedly a small-time author with big dreams, but I find myself craving interaction and discussion with people who appreciate good writing and talking about the universe/story that im creating. Its not very easy accessing this site on my cellphone (cant set up notifications for new messages in here, things like that), so I was thinking it might be a good idea to set up a Discord server for us authors who want some chat. Unless there is an app for this site that works good and I just am unaware of it...please let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to your thoughts!

Replies:   Keet  Michael Loucks
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Have you tried the mobile view? At the top of the home page there's this little icon of a mobile phone. See if that's what you are looking for.
I don't get why everyone wants an app for everything. An app is basically a containerized web site/page that usually screws you through the nose with the requirement of permissions that have nothing to do with the purpose of the app and everything with gathering (private) data.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

no, not interested in going to another site

Michael Loucks ๐Ÿšซ


I was thinking it might be a good idea to set up a Discord server for us authors who want some chat. Unless there is an app for this site that works good and I just am unaware of it

On my Discord server I have an actively used channel for authors, and there are ten of us who regularly participate (nine authors and an editor). You're welcome to join, even if you mute every other channel on the server. Drop me a note if you're interested.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Michael Loucks

On my Discord server I have an actively used channel for authors

What's a Discord server?

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

I'll probably be interested, though like Switch, not knowing how a 'Discord' service is, I wouldn't know how to set one up.

Then again, I'm not real sure just what Switch meant by a Discord chat? A general author bitch session? A chat group where every author disagrees with each other? Or a group where authors can escape the normal chat arguments and get into some serious discussions without the typical interruptions and distractions?

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Discord is the name of the site/app. It started out as a chat server for gamers.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


Discord is the name of the site/app. It started out as a chat server for gamers.

Yeah, I googled it. But I didn't understand the technical side of it.

Is it real-time chatting? So both people have to be logged on at the same time and they open a chat session. I'm not a facebook user, but I remember that with facebook. Or do you send messages and when the recipient logs on can read them and reply? Wattpad called that private messaging. Or is it something else?

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

IIRC, it runs kinda like IRC did. But you can look up comments made before you logged in

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


it runs kinda like IRC did.

Don 't know what IRC is. I'm not a techie.

So you install software on your computer (the client) that connects to the Discord server and opens a session. One or more people can join that session and chat.

The previous paragraph were questions. I really have no idea what I'm talking about.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Don 't know what IRC

Internet Relay Chat.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Internet Relay Chat.

Yeah, I found it on Google but didn't understand what I read.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Yeah, I found it on Google but didn't understand what I read.

IRC and most chats are like the modern equivalent of an old time telephone party line that you can join voluntarily

Replies:   PotomacBob
PotomacBob ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

an old time telephone party line that you can join voluntarily

My recollection of a party line is that it was NOT voluntary. If you wanted a telephone, it was a party line. "Private" lines came later and were expensive.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Yeah, I found it on Google but didn't understand what I read.

I understood it: think of it as 'Instant Chat', if you're both present on the app at the same time, you can open a private chat box. However, I still don't get how it would help authors. But I can easily see why bk69 was confused by Switch's initial question, as he did reference Defuse without specifying WTF he meant by it.


sorry. I figured you were the right age range to remember IRC.

Ernest and I are, though Switch probably wasn't as computer savvy back in those days.

But, since all but the first few comments were off-topic, I think Switch should restart his question in another thread (without the misguided Discord reference.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

though Switch probably wasn't as computer savvy back in those days.

Back in what days? I was a computer techie on mainframes. I went to the first IBM class on IMS (their relational database) in NYC. I was involved with TSO when it came out (Time Sharing Option). I was heavily involved (from the management side) with IBM's relational database (DB2). The chief architect of DB2 came to us at least once a month because we were the most advanced user. I even managed a data warehouse in its infancy.

It's the PC and internet that I never got involved in. That's why I started writing stories โ€” to learn about the internet. I built a story site and needed content so I wrote stories.

btw, this isn't my thread. I simply asked a question as to what Discord chat was.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

It's the PC and internet that I never got involved in.

IRC predated the Web. And I first encountered it via dumb terminals rather than PCs.

Michael Loucks ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

What's a Discord server?

An interactive chat system which can be used in a browser or in an app. It allows for real-time instantaneous communication between users.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@Michael Loucks

An interactive chat system which can be used in a browser or in an app. It allows for real-time instantaneous communication between users.

So people log in to a chat session and can talk to everyone logged in in real time. Cool.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

Yes, but you can also respond to comments that were made before you logged in. It's mostly group chat, although certain comments will be flagged as of interest to you, particularly if someone responded to you or addressed you in their comment.

And sorry. I figured you were the right age range to remember IRC.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


I figured you were the right age range to remember IRC.

I'm at the age that if I ever knew what it was I probably forgot it.

I remember party lines that Ernest mentioned. But growing up in NYC, we didn't have them. They were in smaller towns. Although I remember cross talk where you'd hear some other conversation going on.

oyster50 ๐Ÿšซ

Hell no! After watching thread after thread here wander away from the original point, seeing few of my fellow 'writers' and rude, opinionated, pedantic asses, I think this is quite enough.

Replies:   graybyrd  Remus2
graybyrd ๐Ÿšซ


Hell no! After watching thread after thread here wander away from the original point, seeing few of my fellow 'writers' and rude, opinionated, pedantic asses, I think this is quite enough.

I think I resemble that remark~!

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Hell no! After watching thread after thread here wander away from the original point, seeing few of my fellow 'writers' and rude, opinionated, pedantic asses, I think this is quite enough.

You really need to stop holding stuff in and tell us what you really feel. Just sayin...

Replies:   oyster50
oyster50 ๐Ÿšซ


It seems like when a useful or interesting thread starts, there are about a dozen posts that are germaine to the topic, then it gets off into snide remarks, oneupsmanship and name-calling.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


snide remarks, oneupsmanship and name-calling.

After a while it stops being a for um and becomes an against um.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


It seems like when a useful or interesting thread starts, there are about a dozen posts that are germaine to the topic, then it gets off into snide remarks, oneupsmanship and name-calling.

For the vast majority of them I would agree. There has been maybe four or five threads that really pissed me off, but I tend to get over such things fast.

As I've stated elsewhere, I was run down in my youth (as in truck ran over me) due to being a half breed. That has colored some of my responses, but I recognize intellectually my first response has that potential. I try to pause at such times, but I'm not always successful.

Beyond that, very little bothers me much. The name calling I could do without, especially being the subject of it on several occasions. However, when those people have resorted to name calling, it only makes their argument weaker; if they had one to begin with, so that too, gets left by the roadside for me at least.

On the whole, I think this forum is better than most. Though I have noted an element of "burn them at the stake for heresy" slipping in. When it goes full Fahrenheit 451/1984, I'll bail.

As for the thread drift, it's the norm. You may as well try to herd cats that broke into the catnip factory. Just skip around the patties until you find post on solid ground.

Edited for spelling

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


then it gets off into snide remarks, oneupsmanship and name-calling.

wattpad recently shut down its forum. Their explanation is that members didn't feel safe.

Keep in mind, it's a younger crowd and I guess there was bullying. At least the younger people thought they were being bullied. It must have happened in clubs I didn't participate in. More of the social media clubs. I didn't go to those.

graybyrd ๐Ÿšซ


Sadly it's a fact that only one extremist loudmouth can disrupt a public meeting; one flaming bully can bring down a forum; and one small turd can ruin a punch bowl. Best defense (with the exception of the punch) is to ignore them and talk around them. In other more shell-shocked areas of the 'net, the word is "Don't feed the trolls!" It works.

The same goes for hate-flaming, lying politicians: if the press would ignore them we'd maybe have more civil discourse.

It's a mistake to let the few run roughshod over the many.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


Sadly it's a fact that only one extremist loudmouth can disrupt a public meeting; one flaming bully can bring down a forum; and one small turd can ruin a punch bowl.

Luckily there are several options if such a thing happens on this forum. First is reporting abuse to our web master. He usually is very alert and fast responding. He has several options such as banning the abuser or simply closing the thread. There might be other options. Some threads do get heated, most likely a political or religious discussion, which our web master has kindly asked not to do on this forum.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


or religious discussion, which our web master has kindly asked not to do on this forum

I wasn't aware of that. I frequently poke fun at Creationists and Warmists :-(


Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

I wasn't aware of that. I frequently poke fun at Creationists and Warmists :-(

Not sure about the religious discussions but definitely the political ones. And he doesn't mind as long as it's all in good fun :)

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Not sure about the religious discussions but definitely the political ones. And he doesn't mind as long as it's all in good fun :)

In today's hyper-polarized political environment, I have serious doubts pertaining to the "in good fun" part. In my opinion, he's got the right idea by asking for no discussions for current politics.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Keet
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


How are we supposed to get rid of the swarm of blood sucking parasites if we can't talk about them?

Replies:   bk69  Remus2
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

We need to find a variant of DDT that works on them.

Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

It's too bad that the old south defense of; "Your Honor, he just needed killin" doesn't hold water anymore.

Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ


It's too bad that the old south defense of; "Your Honor, he just needed killin" doesn't hold water anymore.

Ah, the "deserved homicide".

Yeah, that really should be properly codified into law.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ


In today's hyper-polarized political environment, I have serious doubts pertaining to the "in good fun" part. In my opinion, he's got the right idea by asking for no discussions for current politics.

Yes he does have the right idea but as the last year has proven he is lenient with this as long as those discussions remain civil. He also has closed threads because of it.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ



That should trigger an instant 'Report Abuse'. Unless abusing politicians, of course, when it's entirely justified ;-)


Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Name calling just shows the weakness of the argument. Some people allow themselves to get spun up out of control. At such times, name calling is all they have. I usually just ignore it, and in some cases, get a laugh out of it.

I do have a question though. When does a politician not deserve abuse?

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


When does a politician not deserve abuse?

When they're dead, of course. Then we're into the zone of crocodile tears, chest beating and fake eulogies about how they 'worked' their way from humble beginnings to millionnairehood in the 'service' of their country.


Replies:   bk69
bk69 ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

in the 'service' of their country.

Yeah, politicians are a variant of service providers, I suppose. Although much more expensive, and it's not as enjoyable when they 'service' you.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

Back on the thread title topic. We have more than enough discord happens on this forum as it is, so why would we want to go to another forum dedicated to discord?

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