G'day all you authors out there,
Stories On Line (SoL) has three sister sites: Fine Stories (FS), SciFi Stories (SFS), and Bookapy. I very strongly suggest that if you have any stories that suit the FS or SFS sites you publish the stories on the sites and anything you write also be published on Bookapy to get a wider distribution and readership. Whiles some of the SoL readers access these sites there are also many readers who only access a specific sister site; I know this from the messages and emails I get from them. I also know some readers who access stories on more than one site because it allows them to access more stories each day due to each site (SoL, FS, and SFS) having its own daily access limit.
Fine Stories is has a restriction of no graphic sex and is open to children and teenagers to access. It is also work filter friendly so people can safely access the stories at work without any worries. Many authors on SoL have some No Sex stories that will fit the site.
SciFi Stories is restricted to science fiction stories of any descriptive sex level and attracts readers interested only in that genre and it makes finding them easier for them.
Bookapy sells e-book copies of the stories as either e-pubs, PDFs, or Kindle and you get to choose which type of file you upload to the site. You can upload all three if you wish. You also get to choose the price to sell at and the management company behind all of the sites gets a cut of the sales to help keep the sites open and working. You can earn some money from the sales, especially if you provide the site with good, clean files of the stories. For those who don't want to make money from the sales you can put a low price on the books and make arrangements for the money to be paid to any person or organization with a PayPal account. I have most of my books at what I think are reasonable prices and I also have some I see as community service books available for nothing. In some cases I have story collections to make them a worthwhile reading length.
Site Stats. Some of the stories are posted on all of the sites, and some are posted on only two of the sites. My personal stats for all of the sites are:
SoL - 77 stories with 3,588,507 downloads since 2005 when the first was posted to the site.
FS - 51 stories with 335,654 downloads since 2010 when the first was posted to the site.
SFS - 20 stories with 29,319 downloads since 2016 when the first was posted to the site.
Bookapy - 171 books sold for $368.90 of which $296.19 for me since the start of the year, with 104 of the books being free book sales. The site commission from my sales helps to pay for having all of the books available on the site. At present I have 45 books for sale of which 6 are for free. While many of the books have been on the site from when it went live, about half went up last month, and I'm currently reviewing the only book I've not yet published on the site.
I can't stress how wider the readership access is by using all of the sister sites. Thus, I strongly suggest you all use the options available to you to reach out to more readers available through the sister sites.