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Protecting Readers With Mental Health Issues

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

By posting this, I'm trying to be considerate rather than politically correct. It's my perception that SOL and its readership has a larger than average population with mental health issues (not grinding an axe, it's a natural consequence of people stuck indoors, nothing to do etc.)


My novella-in-progress has a dark scene in a mental health clinic in which the protagonist is illegally detained and drugged by an unscrupulous doctor. I'm wondering what sort of warning I should provide to alert vulnerable readers that it might make for uncomfortable/upsetting reading.

I notice that Reluctant_Sir, in the first book of his excellent 'Dark Days' stories, put an explicit warning in the blurb. Was that adequate? What experiences have other authors had with this sort of issue?


Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

I'll be honest here, I added that warning to be politically correct, something I normally avoid out of principle. I didn't want to be virtually stoned when someone found it objectionable.

I thought long and hard about adding it at all but, at the time, there were two or three threads here in the forum with people complaining about tags, squicks etc. and I decided it would be prudent.

As a result, many readers flat out told me it was enough for them to just bypass the story altogether, while others said they held off for a long time, waiting for a review or word of mouth before they would chance reading it.

The general consensus afterwards appeared to be that while it was dark and a bit gruesome, it was a necessary part of the back story.

If I were to write that preface today, I would, at least, tone it down a bit.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


Thank you.

Did you get any complaints from readers about how dark it was? If not, it shows your approach was spot on.


Replies:   Reluctant_Sir
Reluctant_Sir ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

I got a couple, but no serious complaints. The few I got were more of the "That hit me personally because X" variety, and not cussing me out for being a sicko :)

ystokes ๐Ÿšซ

I thought the preface was pretty tame compared to some stories on this site.

If you hadn't given the warning I would have been pissed. I would have stopped reading before finishing the first chapter thinking oh great another snuff story and missed out on a good story.

IMO the preface needed to be that graphic as it really help with understanding the MC's reactions.

It also showed that a warning can cut both ways. Many didn't read it because of the warning to their loss. Without the warning many would have stopped reading thinking it was a snuff story.

rycliff_24 ๐Ÿšซ

In my story Murder by Numbers I give a very specific warning. It's based on the fact that story is violent, graphic and has an unhinged antagonist. It was difficult for me to write at times. But the story kept running around my head it was better getting it out than keeping it in.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


But the story kept running around my head it was better getting it out than keeping it in.

In my case, my newest story, The Holes Binding Us Together, deals with issues I faced firsthand living in New York City, where runaway kids congregated in video arcades, who could only survive by courting active pedophiles for enough to live on. I also met, through my brother, a couple active native pedophiles, what I termed 'helpful pedos', who actively offer these kids a way out, not only semi-adopting them, but getting them into schools, educating them, giving them connections so they can actually build a life, while the social service authorities are forced to ship them all back home to their abusive families, which everyone avoids.

But, although occasionally mentioning those issues in other stories, this was the first time I actively addressed those issue in a book all it's own, using a technique I hoped would get past all those defensive squick reactions. Unfortunately, while my editors agree it was 'artfully managed', there really is no way to reach it's intended target audience. :( But in the end, it's story that beet eating me for the past 40 years, which I finally gave birth too, whether anyone is receptive to or not.

If nothing else, it helps resolve my multiple conflicted feelings on the topic, so they no longer follow me around for the rest of my life.

karactr ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

awnlee, has anyone EVER accused you of being PC?

IMO as a reader, I would say one of the yellow blurbs at the top of the index screen might be called for as there is really no tag for this. Just to warn people.

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ


awnlee, has anyone EVER accused you of being PC?

He was, once, entirely by accident...


Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

It's my perception that SOL and its readership has a larger than average population with mental health issues

So you're saying there are some loons around here...

Replies:   Pixy  madnige
Pixy ๐Ÿšซ


So you're saying there are some loons around here...

What, apart from the writers....LOL

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


Point taken. LOL

madnige ๐Ÿšซ


So you're saying there are some loons around here...

...well, it is Canadian

Replies:   Remus2
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ


I have some maples, no loonies though... depending upon definition of course. I'll have to discuss it with the toaster in the morning.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

Do you know where my marbles are?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Has anyone seen my marbles? I was sure I set them down around here somewhere.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Has anyone seen my marbles? I was sure I set them down around here somewhere.

Yeah, everyone around here keeps tripping over them. By the way, it speaks highly of your mental health that you're responding to your own message. ;) Feeling schizoid, are we?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

By the way, it speaks highly of your mental health that you're responding to your own message.

Like I said I've lost my marbles. :)

I hit my own serious health issues just after Christmas last year.

I was hospitalized twice in January (2 different but related issues) and I was just shy of bed ridden for three weeks. That's not easy when you live alone.

I was just getting healthy enough to get out and about again when COVID hit the international stage.

P.S. If you trip over my marbles again, please pick them up and let me know. :)

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

P.S. If you trip over my marbles again, please pick them up and let me know. :)

Or, if nothing else, chuck them at your head, so you're sure to hear the loud 'ping'! ')

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Or, if nothing else, chuck them at your head, so you're sure to hear the loud 'ping'! ')

That could fall under letting me know. :)

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Has anyone seen my marbles?

Did Lord Elgin acquire them?


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Did Lord Elgin acquire them?

Has he been here recently? I didn't lose my marbles that long ago.

Replies:   Remus2  awnlee jawking
Remus2 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Maybe Athena was whipping his ass in the afterlife to recover the marbles... I don't think she bought the firman excuse.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

The Earl of Elgin is dead, long live the Earl of Elgin. According to Wikipedia (spit), the current earl is 96yo.


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

The Earl of Elgin is dead, long live the Earl of Elgin.

Yeah, but has he been here? I'm sure I last had my marbles around here somewhere.

Replies:   joyR
joyR ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

I'm sure I last had my marbles around here somewhere.

Those were not marbles, they were the invisible man's testicles and he took them back...

(He had a bad case of catachresis and confused emancipation with emasculation)

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Picking up this thread a bit late, and being fairly knowledgeable about various mental illnesses, it isn't that authors are all introverts, as much as that the various artistic fields naturally appeal to those with mental illnesses, where rather than having to work normal 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 hours, they can work their own hours, take off whenever they need, and give vioice the the various voices in their heads (just kidding, but honestly, those with mental illness have a long and cherished history of having a unique view that others have a hard time capturing).

Since I've made no secret of my own issues, I've been on both ends of this spectrum, from being actively avoided on a day-to-day basis, to collaborating with others having their own issues in the field.

If it helps, I wrote my own version of your story, down to the eventual 'involuntary hospitalization'. In fact, my Demonic Issues series, beginning with The Demons Within generated a LOT of complaints about the plot being overly sensationalized, despite my reading ALL the relevant mental health laws where the story takes place. The court order brain surgery is anything but unusual, as it's been written in the legal statures of most U.S. states for the past two hundred years (they rarely ever get rewritten over time).

As for warnings. I had several editors drop out while I wrote those two books, as the details hit 'too close to home' for those who had relatives with their own mental health difficulties.

In my case, I didn't require the warnings. Just like my latest book, The Holes Binding Us Together with details kids dealing with childhood sexual abuse, I took a different approach. Rather than attacking the issue directly, I took a roundabout approach similar to Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn and Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, which take a roundabout route when addressing controversial issue, without triggering reader's preconditioned defensive responses.

In both cases, my stories were fantasies, rather than my usual science fiction. As such, the topics I discuss, childhood sexual abuse, pedophilia and the tendency of society to busy it so they never have to HEAR about it, and in the other, homelessness and mental illnesses, take the form of character background, rather than the actual plot (much like Huckleberry Finn was about a boy running away from home, rather than racism itself).

It's a useful technique, but takes a LOT more planning and forethought, as you can't approach the topics in the normal way, but rather as backstory explaining how your characters came to the story.

Again, the issues with 'warnings', is that they trigger squick reactions ("Dear God, I'd rather NOT read that") and generate the typical responses and presumptions that make it difficult for readers to hear what you're actually suggesting.

Just a suggestion, as I'm guessing you've already completed your story, are aren't looking for approach suggestions.

With my latest book, I was actively targeting the multiple generations of kids raised under the constant fears of "Stranger Danger", to help them understand how those actually affected by these situations not only handled it, but how they actively cope with in, in a comfortable distant Fantasy story, or as I subtitled it, "A Fantasy Story For Disillusioned Adults". Unfortunately, there is NO way to market such a book, and no SEO tags to target those readers. :(

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Just a suggestion, as I'm guessing you've already completed your story, are aren't looking for approach suggestions.

I haven't completed the story - in fact the mental health clinic is consecutively the next scene due to be completed. The details are, however, pretty firmed-up since lots of details are necessary for the rest of the story to progress.

Some people have had very bad experiences in Mental Health Facilities and being reminded of them could cause a PTSD-style meltdown, so it would be remiss of me not to provide some warning. I'm not worried about pissing off a few snowflakes who don't want to read 'that sort of content'.

Actually, I can't honestly think of one attractive feature to the story as a whole, apart from the deceptive, misleading title. Still, I'm hoping some people will hold their noses and dive in.


Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Some people have had very bad experiences in Mental Health Facilities and being reminded of them could cause a PTSD-style meltdown, so it would be remiss of me not to provide some warning. I'm not worried about pissing off a few snowflakes who don't want to read 'that sort of content'.

For mine--where I employed the Fantasy story, using the more controversial elements as character backstories--the only negative responses I got were from a couple of editors who had to back out, as it reminded them of relatives with specific issues. The readers generally liked the approach. As for my newest story, I haven't heard a peep yet, though that's likely due to (like my last book, the final of a highly-detailed three-book series) I had NO clue how to pitch or advertise it to a ready market.

As always, new book + No promotion = Zero readers. :(

While I don't mind actively promoting a book Fantasy about pre-teens, I'm nervous about promoting one involving discussions of pre-teen prostitution, active pedophiles, parental sexual abuse and mothers too busy ignoring the obvious to step in.

That's not so much a 'warning' issue, as the book handles those issues well, but it IS a 'how the hell do you promote it' issue. Like with my editors, if it hits a bit too close to home, they'll recognize it within a few chapters, and while recognizing the strength of the story, will quietly bow out and not hold it against the story.

But again, that's because I take an indirect route in telling the story, not addressing the issues head on, simply addressing them in the development of the specific characters.

ystokes ๐Ÿšซ

Have you tried looking on EBay for your marbles?

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I never hang out on EBay, why would my marbles be there?

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