I sent my latest 300k word story off to two seperate cleaners and was curious how long I should expect for them to have it in their grimy paws before I should hope to see it again?
I sent my latest 300k word story off to two seperate cleaners and was curious how long I should expect for them to have it in their grimy paws before I should hope to see it again?
Depends on how busy the person is. My Clan Amir series of 350K words took one editor 3 weeks and the other 1 week, because the first had a lot more real life events happening during his day than the second one.
It also depends on how flawed the original is. When I used editors. I made the original as clean as I knew how so they had much less work to do.
I sent a 70,000 word book to a profession editor, and got it back after two months, only to find that, rather than 'editing it', they'd decided to 'rewrite' major portions (they'd cut three to five paragraphs at a time and include a single summary paragraph.
It all depends not only on the editor, and how busy their schedule/life is, but also what their mood is at the time.
The other factor to consider is what kind of editing they're doing. General proofing takes much less time than a thorough proofing and dramatically less than a full 'Content Edit' (which also looks for plot holes, consistency errors, etc.).