I've almost got another story ready for posting, awaiting the final editor responses. It's set in the late 1850s. I did a lot of research on various aspects, as is my usual approach, but have made a last minute change because the back of my mind niggled at me to do more research on an aspect.
It's only a very minor point, but I had a saloon gambler with a cigarette lighter sitting at the table - you see it in a lot of movies. However, he mentions it used to be his father's. Now it is possible for him to have a cigarette lighter of some sort at that time, but they'd be a brand new invention and no way would it be a hand me down from his father - something the extra research made clear to me. Thus I had to change the device he had on the table for the minor scene.
What this did make clear to me was that the early research showed he could've had a cigarette lighter, it didn't make it clear it had to have been a brand new invention. This became clear in the later research. The issue arose because lighters were invented in 1823, but they were large table items about the size of a hurricane lamp, and the pocket sized ones were a few more decades before they appeared.
In some research for another story I intend to introduce something a reader has suggested I do, but I want to know all the details of how it was done way back when and can only get details on how it's been done for the last couple of hundred years, which is no good for the story. So, if anyone knows where I can find how they made beer back before the 1600s, please let me know where I can find that information. It needs to be how they made beer without boiling the mash at all.