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crisis and climax ideas

icehead ๐Ÿšซ

I'm writing out the outline of my big incest/group sex epic. I have most of it written, but am hitting a bit of a wall trying to come up with the final crisis and climax. Maybe I just need to take a step back and think about it, but I wouldn't mind some helpful ideas.

For most of the story, we have the members of a dysfunctional family gradually coming together by forming incestuous relations, along with a few other families they're friends with. I've gotten to outlining some of the final chapters, where we've gotten to the point where the whole family has pretty much embraced their new incestuous ways and had an orgy, and it looks like everything is headed for HEA. But I want there to be one final crisis before everything heads to the resolution and the final giant orgy with all the families and friends.

One source of conflict: the mother of the family is a TV news anchor with a history of promiscuity and poor self-control, who early in the story gets drawn into a submissive relationship with her cruel and manipulative co-anchor and his wife, which she spends much of the story trying to get out of. At one point she really does resolve herself to walk away from him, but he threatens to release footage he's taken of her on the internet and turn her into a paparazzi scandal piece whose career will be ruined; she eventually gets him back by taking more footage of him doing the controlling, making his threat double-edged.

I had considered making the final crisis where he somehow gets ahold of hidden footage that reveals the families' and friends' incest and sex with minors and threatens to have the family arrested, but since I already have written the co-anchor trying to blackmail her at an earlier point this seemed repetitive.

There's also a boy who in an earlier chapter date rapes one of the daughters and is subsequently arrested. I've considered the possibility of him getting out and jumping the younger characters with his bully friends in the street, and getting ahold of the incriminating footage himself. The question there is, how would the protagonists then get out of this predicament? What do you do when someone with a grudge against you has a flash drive with footage that can get you arrested? How do you get out of that and find your HEA? And what's a way to do it that doesn't feel repetitive when someone else has already tried to blackmail you?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm sure I'll come up with something, but I'm looking for help where I can.

Replies:   garymrssn  Switch Blayde
garymrssn ๐Ÿšซ


If all else fails you could try the Chuck Jones/Michael Maltese method. ;)

Replies:   icehead
icehead ๐Ÿšซ


And what pray tell is the Chuck Jones/Michael Maltese method?

Replies:   akarge
akarge ๐Ÿšซ


Loonies toons/merry melodies

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


Here's a crisis that's most likely not what you're thinking of.

Let's say a girl from the family and a guy from the friend family fall in love and want to be exclusive. The crisis is jealousy. Or even worse. Both could be married which will break up two marriages. Or maybe it's an unmarried daughter in the family who falls in love with a married man in the friend family. Maybe even the father of the girl's best friend.

Relationships cause all kinds of crises.

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