I was doing some research for Chapter 21 and drawing a blank on a book title. CRS is a problem the older I get. So I typed into the search bar 'science fiction detective story alternate universe'. I ended up finding the story I was looking for - All The Myriad Ways, by Larry Niven. I HAD read it, of course. It was the publication date I was most concerned about, making sure it was PRIOR to 1985.
For those of you who are also Niven and Pournelle fans, yes, they do play a large part in Book 5, which is why I was doing the research. I've read so MANY stories over the years, I couldn't remember if this was Niven's story, or something like Gerrold's The Many Who Folded Himself, or even a Harry Turtledove story.
Anyway, the only reason I'm posting is Niven's story came up ninth on my search results. In SEVENTH place was the 'by-tag' results from our sister site and the blurb was from A True History. WOW!
Oh, and if you just type in 'alternate history stories', then FineStories comes up 11th, and SciFiStories comes up 16th.