Just in time for the island winter tales of with a sisterly twist. Amira and Amina Aziz arrive on the island after fleeing Algeria with their two daughters.... Florianna Lombardi takes the train back to university in Bergen but this time her mother comes with...meanwhile Kajsa Ekblad's younger sibling Lilja finds out she now resides in Libereco and wants to visit...
For much of the Libereco story I've been running between 7,000 and 10,000 words per submission. But I'm going to try to shorten these somewhat down to somewhere between 4,000 and 7,000 words in the future. They'll be more chapters per arc I suspect but perhaps they appear a little quicker.
Also, major update on the Nest Listings as per the council meeting during 'Mothers Always Know Best' uploading when this chapter does.