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Zanski: Blog


Seneca Book 2 in the Queue

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I have just now submitted Bootleg Justice to the posting queue. Next, I plan to repost a slightly more correct edition of War Party. Mea culpa.

War Party -- in the posting queue!

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I have just submitted Book 1 of the Seneca Series: War Party. Provided I haven't fouled up the transfer -- which is far from guaranteed -- it should be posted tout de suite.

Book 2, Bootleg Justice, is about ready to go, and Book 3, Nuevo Mexico, is a few days from final polish, so, lord willing and the creeks don't rise, here we go again.

Done, but not dusted

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I have, within the hour, finished the third book of my Seneca series.

Now each book needs a final run through, each story usually requiring a week to ten days. During the course of that review I insert typos, scramble a few sentences, and add a few other errors simply for the reader to find and report to me, allowing him to feel smug and superior, while I pretend to have missed them, despite having gone over everything at least a dozen times. But it's all in good fun.

Hopefully the first book, War Party, might be posted by the New Year -- but no promises.

Out on a limb

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At 194k words, I just began the last chapter of Nuevo Mexico.

For some reason, I've been struck with a self-destructive urge to predict when I might be finished. I'll just teeter along this slippery, narrow ledge and say, "By Christmas."

Be forewarned, I'll need a final polish on each book before I submit it to the powers that be. That usually takes a week or two per book. Then everyone can start finding all the errors I've missed.

Ah, well. Home stretch.

Help! I'm being held prisoner by my story characters!

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OK, I'm at 177k words in Nuevo Mexico and still piling them up. I realize now I might have been a wee bit unrealistic when I reckoned on a length of 120k words for this third book. Still, I am determined to bring the chickens home to roost within an actual trilogy, rather than the five-book "trilogy" that the Trail Series became.

Come to think of it, why the obsession with a trilogy?



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