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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Writer Mick: Blog


Time Flies

Posted at

Hi All

I have been dealing with some issues and the writing kind of dried up for a bit. Good thing that I had a lot of chapters of SP Book 2 in the file.

Between reading Teflers Three Square Meals and MichaelLoucks Good Medicine my mind cleared and stuff has begun to flow again.

I opened a Universe called 'Debbie's Question". I wrote the opening story and hope that some of you will fill in the ending. I have several endings already written and will post them over the next few weeks. I hope some of you will join in the fun.


Repost of A "Cheating Piece of Shit Slut"

Posted at

Hi All

I got a few comments on the story and after looking at the story again, I rewrote several portions of it.


A Terrible Loss

Posted at

Hi All

My dear friend Micheal Loucks got horrible news tonight. His son, serving on the USS Nimitz, had been missing since Tuesday in the mountains outside of Seattle.

Tonight they found his body.

My son served 36 months in Afghanistan and came home with some pretty severe demons. Two of his friends have committed suicide in the past two years.

Now my friend has lost his son while he was hiking in the mountains of Washington. A senseless loss for a great family and to our country.

If you do things like this, please send prayers towards Michael Loucks and his family in this time of terrible sorrow.


I'm A Weener!!!

Posted at

A big thank you for the folks who voted for The Strawberry Patch as Best Story By A New Author!

I didn't get first, but I did make the top 10. I'm so happy that many of you enjoyed my efforts.

Thanks again!


A New Version Of An Old Story

Posted at

Hi All

I posted a story a little while back called Strike Four. My muse deserted me shortly after I wrote the story and it did not seem right. So while I was taking a break from Strawberry Patch Book 3, I went back to the old story.

So I have posted Strike Four the Full Story I have also posted a heavily corrected version of Don't Get Mad - Debbies Version.




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