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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US! So, a brief update.

I did get covid, which sucked! I was hoping to publish Chapter 51 of Birthday Pool Party before Thanksgiving, but it was not to be. I hope to finish it soon.

Birthday Pool Party is close to wrapping up, and I am planning on a few one off stories before starting on a second BPP book set a few years in the future.

I'm also thinking of reposting Suzie's Twenty-five Acts. I posted it as one big story, and it was broken up into chapters for me. I'd rather plan out where I want the chapter breaks to be. So, that story might get deleted and reposted soon.

Thanks for reading!


Update 20 February, 2024

Posted at

Good evening everyone,

First off, Happy New Year! I can't believe we're over halfway through February already.

Anyway, I wanted to apologize for taking so long to post Chapter 41 of my story Birthday Pool Party.

I took a break from the series to write Suzie's Twenty-Five Acts, and I haven't been able to get back into Birthday Pool Party. First, the holidays got in the way, then real life got extremely hectic. There was also a recent death in the family, and she left behind a huge mess that we're still working on taking care of.

It hasn't been easy to get back into the story. I would have Chapter 41 open and just stare at the screen, unsure of how to continue. Today, I did spend some time going over the story and refreshing my memory on recent events. I also corrected errors in what I have so far for Chapter 41. I don't know exactly how much longer the chapter will take, but I have not abandoned the story. I have every intention of finishing. Sorry again for taking so long.

Thanks for reading!


Happy Holidays!

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Hey guys, happy holidays! I hope you enjoy this festive time of year! Quick update, I will be on vacation from now until after New Year's. So, no new update for awhile. Sorry about that! Stay safe!

Update 06 December, 2023

Posted at

Hi, everyone! I've gotten quite a few messages asking about the status of Birthday Pool Party, so I thought I'd provide an update. I took a break from the series to write Suzie's Twenty-Five Acts as a contest entry on another site. That took me several weeks; a lot longer than I expected! Anyway, with the holidays coming up, I'm may not have a ton of time to write. I am still working on Chapter 41, however, and will post it once it's complete. I'm still writing! Birthday Pool Party should only have a few more chapters before wrapping up. Then I'll start plotting Book 2, where hopefully I can avoid the mistakes I made with the original. Thanks to everyone for reading, and sorry again for the delay! Hope you're all happy and healthy!


Birthday Pool Party

Posted at

First off, thanks to everyone who is reading Birthday Pool Party. It's my first real attempt at a story and I love how we actually have forty chapters now.
So, I started posting Birthday Pool Party on another site. Then I decided to start posting here, with one chapter per week. However, we are now caught up to the story on the other site. Unfortunately, this means posting is gonna slow down a bit. I'll try and keep posting on Wednesdays, but it definitely won't be every Wednesday. There also won't be a release this week. Don't worry though, I'm still writing!
Thanks to everyone who is reading!



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