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Currently I estimate that I am about halfway through the next chapter of Future Man. Soft plan is to get if finished and posted before the end of the month. Won't be as long as the last chapter, but it also won't take over 2 years to be posted so little give and take on that one I suppose. Thanks again to everyone who is reading along with it.
Typing and editing went much faster than planned. But, like it says in Zapp Brannigan's Big Book of War, the most important element of attack is the element of surprise. So...Surprise! Chapter 8 is in the queue and should be posted soon. Thanks again for reading and I hope everyone enjoys it.
Chapter 8 is finally done!! All i have to do is type it up and do a little editing and it will be posted. Should be up by the end of the week. Hope it doesn't disappoint those that had to wait so long to read it. As always, looking forward to the comments/criticism once its up.
Just wanted to post that no, neither of my stories are abandoned. Also no, I am not dead. I'm just a very slow writer that is easily distracted by family, work, video games, tv, and shiny objects. I am currently about halfway through the next chapter of Once and Future Man, the process has picked up lately and I hope to be able to type it up and submit it soon. Many thanks to those that reached out to ask if I was still working on it and even more thanks to everyone who read what I have so far and has stuck it out waiting for the rest.
Well holidays are over and work travel has slowed down so hopefully writing will progress quicker. Chapter 7 of Future Man is underway so just thought i would post a quick update for those who are taking the time to read it. Hope everyone had a good holiday season.
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