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TonyG: Blog


To all of my loyal readers

Posted at

I apologize for my extended absence. As I indicated in my last update things were going to be rough.I had no clue as to how accurate that was going to be.I feel like as song from the show hee haw.Because if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Anyway.

My wife made it through her three spinal surgeries. Two on her lower back and one on her neck. They were trying to return her to normal, just improve her quality of life. In that they were successful. That doesn't mean she still doesn't have pain, as she does. The doctors are able to keep her comfortable with a combination of meds.

As for me, I cared for her during her surgeries and recovery leaving little time nor energy for writing. After her full recovery I was supposed to have my left knee replaced. Well the fates intervened again. Days before my initial appointment, I fell and shattered my left wrist. The day I was to have my first appointment for my knee I was in surgery.

Sadly I am a two handed typist and I suck at hunt and peck, or one handed typing. After I healed and had therapy to strengthen my wrist it was time for my knee surgery. I tell yo what, don't time to write while on pain meds. Little of it makes any sense. By the time I was done with therapy and weened off the pain meds… spring was upon me.

It was time to prep the garden and mow the yard and do repairs to the house… I'm certain yo get the picture. I am still busy, but on rainy day like today, and yesterday, and the day before. I have time to write. Excluding moving the living room around.

So the big question is: How close am I to posting something new on Accidental Commander? I'm afraid that I am not that close. I have been rewriting and reformatting all of my stories, but! Three weeks ago the file that I keep all my stories in corrupted. I had a back-up, but the mist recent things I had written were gone. I have been spending the intervening time to go back and reformat and rewrite the things I had finished before the file corrupted. I am doing a daily back-up onto another harddrive.

So that brings you up to date. I don't know how long it will take me to start posting again. I promise that I will do my best to keep writing away until I can. You can't imagine the joy of letting all of those characters out of my head again. Thanks for your patience and support.

Real life has kept me away from my keyboard

Posted at

Hello all. Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I just wanted to let everyone know that I hope that I can get back to writing as prolifically as I once did. Right now caring for my wife has become a priority. She has had two surgeries in the last six months and we are looking at the real possibility of a third. We are hoping that the next will be the last for a while as each back surgery offers diminishing returns. We are hopeful that this next surgery will actually improve her situation. If so I will have more time to write again. For now though, caring for her is a priority though I do try to find an hour or two each day to do a little hacking I haven't got anything to post yet.

It's been a long time

Posted at

I have been writing, I just haven't been posting. I want to have a finished work before I start posting chapters. I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past where I have gotten stuck on a story and have left my readers hanging. I have several that are nearing completion, but real life has left me little time for writing recently. My wife has had some health issues and I have had to take up the slack. She is facing one surgery for certain and possibly a second. We will know more after her Milogram. Thank yous to those who have written and showed concern.


Posted at Updated:

This is an update for my readers. I haven't had much time to do much writing lately. The doctors have been successful finding the right combination of medications and my health problems are stabilized. However, much like some of my plots, life has had a few other interesting twists for me. First I moved to Georgia, and then got married to a wonderful lady. If that wasn't enough, since both of our families live in the Midwest, we are in the process of moving to Indiana, about thirty minutes from either of our families. Two moves in a year and now with the repairs the house needs I haven't had any time for writing. It has taken a couple a months' just to get the new house to the point where we can actually live there. (I found black mold in the walls). It's still more like camping out than actually living in a house and we still have one more trip to Georgia to make, for the rest of our stuff, but we are getting there. So be patient with me a little longer. My life will soon be settled enough for me to start writing again. Personally, I can't wait!



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