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The Adventures of Tim Bodge has been my primary focus for over two years; I have attempted to write at least 2500 words per week. I've created a Patreon page. If I can produce 2,500–3,000 words per week. I could consider requesting a dollar from my supporters for a monthly fee.
I've written over 501,000 words in the past twenty-six months.
There are currently fifty-three chapters available, with six more set to go. This writing will continue in undetermined chapters.
I've begun creating 3D images and incorporating them into the narrative, but my computer's graphics card is failing. So I'll wait until later to do more graphics.
Oh, and would I receive actual support?
Under The Adventures of Tim Bodge at the every top and to the left is a tab called Cast.
It will list name of character, Race or species, job on ship if any, chapter interdicted. There are over 145 characters listed some are future characters.
Any questions or comments are welcome.
List of Characters
Characters: Name -- Race / Species / Job if any / Chapter Interdicted to story.
This is for information only.
I just posted chapter 52: Here a sample: Risfi requested permission from Sarha to explore the ship. "Allow me to arrange for someone to show you around," Sarha replied. "Would you mind visiting the office's lounge?"
To the lounge, Risfi went. She wondered as she walked, "Why is everyone so anxious about what they call sex?" "To us, it's just an everyday thing."
Syloar responded to Sarha's request and agreed to meet this new woman and show her around.
Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Thanks Terry
I posted chapter 51, Hope you enjoy it. I have changed the writer editer and the grammer programs. Let me know if the story sounds better.
Thank you
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