Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

SW MO Hermit: Blog



Posted at

To all my friends across the Atlantic:

Just read Queen Elizabeth passed. My condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out to you and your country.



Posted at

Please, on this day AND all other days remember and honor our fallen warriors, our heroes who gave their all for the life we enjoy today. We are not black, caucasian, hispanic, oriental or any other race or ethnicity today and all days. We are United States Citizens AND citizens of the world. Honor and remember those who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy, for our right to disagree and live our lives in freedom. They did not give their all for the far right, the far left, any specific race, ethnicity or religious belief but for our freedom to hold a belief and live our lives the way we wish, following the rule of law. PLEASE remember them while enjoying this day with friends and family. Honor our fallen and, perhaps spare a moment of thought for them and those who were lucky enough to serve and survive the horrors of war.

Compensation Comments

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Dunno guys. Most of you seem to think Compensation ended too abruptly, although some think I went on too long. A couple even called him selfish for not dropping a bundle on his family. I just don't see it this time. Mack went home and bought a 'hole' to crawl into while he grieved for Jenny. Many poor people, after they leave home, don't share the wealth if they come into it. I'm loath to expand this short story since I was happy with the ending. I've know many men (and a few women) who, for whatever reason just accept the shit life piles on them and accept a solitary minimalist existence. Those of you who want to see Mack do something more, feel free to write your own extension to Compensation. I look forward to reading more about his future, however PLEASE keep his character and vernacular the same.


Posted at

I'm sorry I have disappointed many of my readers with my last submission (Different Path). I didn't feel as if it was a very good attempt AND I am worrying about some health problems my wife is having (She is going for a Biopsy for a lump in her pancreas tomorrow) so I rushed the story to completion. For some reason, it wasn't going where I wanted it to go either.

In any event, after reading several comments, I have decided to write another chapter and, hopefully, give you the better ending many of you have asked for. Please bear with me and be patient because I don't know what the future will bring or how much time I will have to write this summer.

I have several stories partly completed and if "Different Path", CH 2 stumps me, I may try to work one of them up and post in a few weeks.

Crap and More Crap

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Ok fans. I'm done with the Crap. I have the ranting out of my system. On to bigger and, hopefully better, things. I have several stories nearly completed and have one at my editors for his final review so hang in there with me please.



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