Just wanted to let everyone know I have submitted the next two chapters to "Table for Two." The next chapter goes up tomorrow morning, and the third chapter goes up Saturday morning.
More to come!
On my way back...
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Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been off taking care of some things, including a family medical emergency. All is well now, and thanks to those who reached out.
Stay tuned, more madness is on the way!
Coming soon: Justice 06: The Gift of Freedom
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Putting the final touches on "Justice 06: The Gift of Freedom." Eli, Amos, Max, Cameron Drake, and Adrestia help a cheated abused husband get justice.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.
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Just submitted the third chapter to Houston to go live tomorrow morning (5/13/2022).
After that is another "Houston" story, and we start to see a whole new side to our heroine.
Flash: On-the-job Training, second chapter
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I just submitted the second chapter to "Flash: On-the-job Training" and hopefully it'll go up Sunday morning.