Rycliff: Blog


The Adventures of Calvin Michael Johnson

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Many of you have expressed displeasure at the abrupt ending of the adventures of Calvin Michael Johnson. Please know that I have two more books planned for this series. I tried to end on an upbeat note.


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I am writing the final chapters of TAOCMJ as I type. I hope to have it completed within the next couple of weeks. I will send it off to the editor and hopefully, rewrites will be done by August, I hope for e-book publishing date by mid-August

I have started Secrets Revealed the sequel of Secrets of Fathers and Empires, The outline and Cast of characters id complete. The first chapter in the can and I will start writing in earnest after I complete TAOCMJ. Which means I plan for Secrets Revealed to be completed by Christmas time I hope

eventful morning

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I was awoken by my little dog, Athena, this morning. She started barking like crazy about 4 am. I got up and put her out so she could take care of business, When I brought her in, she made a beeline to the garage entrance coming from the garage to the inside of the house. I opened the door turned on the garage light and was confronted with an intruder. I immediately grabbed my 5 ft 3 inch thick, hickory walking stick. It was the closest weapon I was able it get ahold. that is because I keep it right near the door. I then took my cell phone, which I was playing around with while waiting for Athena.

I called 911 and I have to compliment the first responders of my area, they arrived within 3 minutes. meanwhile, I kept this man at bay and explained that if we tried to advance any further toward me that I would use this club. luckily I didn't have to use it because of the cops being so fast.

Needless to say, my system had been overloaded with adrenalin.
and the cops not leaving until after 6 am, meant I decided to not go into work. I called in and explained what I had already been through this morning and I figured a 45 minutes drive across town would not be in my best interest. I finally was able to go back to bed and sleep around 8 am when the adrenalin wore off.
So, all of this to say, life is stranger than fiction. I now send you back to your regularly scheduled reading.

I'm sorry

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Im sorry
I haven't posted lately because of this whole situation with the virus. My job is essential. I must also admit to a slight case of writer's block. I think I have overcome the problem. But I am suffering from a extremely painful molar. No excuse just updates. There should be an update by this weekend.

Thanks for your understanding.

Revision to TAoCMJ

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I have been struggling with this story for a while, it was writing itself, but in a direction, I could not envision it going. I wanted to introduce elements that would not work within its constraints, a 14 Y.O should not be exposed to some of these elements, it does not did it seem fair to treat the main character this way. I decided to redo parts of the story and age the MC to 16. This allows me to take the story in the direction it seems to want to go. Also, I feel less guilty about introducing adult-like themes within the story. I hope this does not upset too many of my followers or those who have so far enjoyed the story. I



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