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rlfj: Blog


Chapter 12

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The weapons issue generated a lot of emails. For those wondering about the last blog post, I am perfectly aware that the Ruger Mini 14 fires NATO 5.56. The Mini Thirty is the version that is chambered for Russian 7.62. My ignorance was that when I read 7.62, I didn't realize it was also a Russian round different from NATO 7.62. Personally, the last firearm I used involved a rubber band and a paperclip. Anyway, this discussion is finished.

Assistance is needed. If you are or were a surgical doctor or nurse, I need some help writing an operating room scene for a future story. Even better would be knowledge of surgery in a field hospital setting. Further, while I dearly love the assistance I get from all my readers, please don't respond if you simply watched something on a TV show or dropped out of podiatry school sixty years ago. Many thanks!


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When going through the editing process, I send my story to a group of individuals who have experience with the subject being written about. Occasionally the results are amusing. Case in point, the last chapter. Travis grabbed a rifle, a Springfield Arms M1A, the civilian version of the venerable M14. When originally written, I had him grabbing a Ruger Mini 14 chambered in NATO 7.62. Shows what I know! It turns out the Ruger model uses a Russian 7.62 round, which I didn't even know existed! They promptly suggested different weaponry, which I gladly changed to. As always, any fuckups are mine.

Book 2

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I had an interesting email from a reader about the killing in Chapter 8 via peanut oil. It turns out that highly refined peanut oil probably won't cause the anaphylactic response indicated. However, further research shows that raw or unrefined oil certainly will. I simply added the word 'raw' to the killing method. No problem.

Book 2 differs from Book 1 in that in almost all cases the story proceeds chronologically. With very few exceptions, there will be no bouncing back and forth in time. Some people liked it, some people didn't, but it mostly ended with Book 1.

Chapter 10 is relatively short, but that's the way it works out sometimes. Sorry about that. Chapters break as required by what is being covered, not by a minimum word count.

Chapter 9

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I had to do an edit on chapter 8. As one of my readers noted, "You wrote 'He removed the bullets from the gun' No ex-military person would use 'bullets'; they are cartridges and there is a significant difference. Same for when he threw them out of the car window." Quite correct. Fixed. As my readers have learned over the years, accuracy is important.

I am turning on voting now. Hopefully, people enjoy this and show it.

This is also the end of Book One, but don't worry. There won't be a break in the schedule for uploading. The next upload will occur on Friday.


Steady Work

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The Contractor finally gets to work. Enjoy!



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