Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

rlfj: Blog


Major Screwup

Posted at

I screwed up big time on my last chapter. Somehow, I managed to upload Chapter 3 instead of Chapter 2, and the system labeling didn't flag it. Not SOL's fault, but mine. I have loaded the correct Chapter 2 and reloaded the last chapter as Chapter 3. For those following the story, just read the new Chapter 2. It won't change how the story works. Sorry.

By the way, Major Screwup is aide-de-camp to General Confusion. They work hand in glove.

Chapter 2

Posted at

There's already been a good deal of interest in this story, and in the others in the Naughty Stories book. I truly hope you are enjoying it. I am hard at work on the next novel, but it is way too soon to discuss. Chapter 2 of Lessons gets into the fun and games the family enjoys. I hope you enjoy, too!

A New Set Of Stories

Posted at

I am posting a new collection of short stories and novellas. Some of these stories have been gathering dust in my laptop for several years and I am finally getting around to finishing them and publishing them. I have collected them into an anthology of novelettes and novellas that I am calling Naughty Stories.

For those curious, according to the International Association of Professional Writers & Editors, short stories have a word count of up to 7,500 words, novelettes from 7,500 to 17,500, novellas from 17,500 to 40,000, and novels are over 40,000 words. I had to look it up.

Our first story is called Lessons and is about several generations of women, and the lessons that are passed down from mother to daughter. Voting is turned off currently but will be opened later in the story. Enjoy!

The End Is Nigh!

Posted at

I uploaded the final version of Vikings to bookapy yesterday. You should be able to download it now. I also uploaded it to lulu, which is how I get my stories out on Amazon, Nook, and other sites. Unfortunately, I do not know how long it takes to update stories through lulu. I know that some people prefer buying books through Amazon, et al. However, for those who care about the authors, bookapy pays us considerably higher royalties, so on behalf of all writers, buy through bookapy.

I will begin posting a new collection of short stories and novellas in another week or two. For those curious, according to the International Association of Professional Writers & Editors, short stories have a word count of up to 7,500 words, novelettes from 7,500 to 17,500, novellas from 17,500 to 40,000, and novels are over 40,000 words. I had to look it up.

Final Touches

Posted at

I received a few typos & errors I needed to fix & uploaded them today. I have not yet put the final version on bookapy. If anybody finds some errors, let me know ASAP. I plan to do the final edits by this Friday. Many thanks to all those who found my screwups! I can't do this by myself.



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