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Metrical Goof

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And not in the broken line of verse kind of way. Over and above the presence of the Naked In School Program, the setting of my Triad series is explicitly if subtly science fictional. The most obvious signal for this is that the United States has gone consistently metric.

Well, mostly consistently. I only just noticed, after seven years of off-and-on working with the stories, that I'd goofed in a pretty obvious way: bra sizes in inches instead of centimeters.

#insert elaborate_facepalm.h

Yeah, I'm such a guy, to not catch this. Not to mention such an American.

(Also, initial draft of the next Triad story is now complete. Revisions TK before posting.)

Writing Monogamy

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So I have three different long fics in flight: a smut-fest straight from the id-vortex, a whacked-out weird thing parked next door to the twilight zone, and a Triad story riding the teen dramaland express.

I think I need to commit to one of them. Even if all three are strutting around different regions of polyamory valley -- that's them, not me. I need to focus on just one and finish that draft.

It's just, after a handful of years thin on inspiration, it feels like an embarrassment of riches.

Lupe and Dana NIS concluded

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And that's the woof and his wings' time in the NIS Program. *dusts pixie-dust off hands*

The part in Dana's Afterward, when she mentions Lupe refusing to write any more -- that was the author talking. I had planned to continue the story through the weekend, including unleashing Dana's magic on Lupe's dysfunctional family, but right after the two finally got together, Lupe just completely shut up. He was done talking thank you very much, and even though he's a figment of my imagination, there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn't the first (or last) time I've had a character go "real" on me, but still the most startling.

Lupe's question about whether Fritz is human is still open. If he'd allowed me to continue the story, I thought we might find out he isn't -- at the time, I was wondering maybe half-troll, but rereading it now, kobold seems more likely. Trolls belong in the boiler-room, after all, not on the school paper. But since it isn't written, that's not canon, so I still don't know. Feel free to speculate.

I've nothing ready for posting at the moment, but am scribbling away on something new -- hope to finish it soon. Depending on how long it ends up, anyway.

Lupe and Dana Naked in School

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I wrote Lupe and Dana Naked in School right after completing another NIS story -- the most angsty teen novel I've ever written. Yes, even more angst than the Triad NIS. No, still more than that -- a couple buckets more. That it had angst wasn't surprising, as it's pretty much baked into the premise of the NIS Program (along with a default Coercion tag), but by the time I was done I was tired of the stuff. So, so tired. So I turned around and wrote the fluffiest, most glitter-swirled NIS story I could, decorated with sequins and frosting and a cloud of romantic little hearts. There may have been a glue gun involved, too. But not confetti -- had to draw the line somewhere.

I was also tired of YA novels about angsty werewolves. So I stuck a woof in as well.

This is another traditional NIS story, with first-person narration and chapters-by-day. What can I say -- I like that format. It lets me play around with the premise without having to worry about the structure.

(FWIW, that first NIS story, I can't repost here because of age-based content restrictions -- it leans heavily into the question of how young is too young for sex and for the Program.)

Triad 3: Third Time’s the Charm concluded

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I mentioned before that Intimacy was, for a long time, the story I was proudest of having written. Now? I'm proudest of the "Family Dinner" chapter of Third Time's the Charm. Teri is so fun to write. And to torture.

But anyway, that's all I have about Teri, Dana, and Mike for now -- I've a page of notes for a potential fourth story, but it's feeling like a novel-sized thing, which means it'll be a while before it's ready to post. So up next is, instead, another NIS story -- a fluffier, sillier one.



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