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Peter Pan: Blog


Thanks to readers.

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Just an appreciative note to the many people who have purchased Peter_Pan e-books through Bookapy this quarter. I thank you and intend publishing more this year. Next up, will be Peter_Pan's own autobiography "Cool Among The Flames." A roller-coaster of a life! It was authored under my own name "Noel Bailey." I hope to have it available in a week or so.

Another topic I would mention - the new story "The Society" to be published later today. It is very different from my other works. This first chapter is basically an introductory 'teaser' - there is no sex - but this will change in Chapter Two. As with all my published stories some will like it, others hate it - so what's new? You can't please everyone.

Impending story advice.

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I will later tonight be publishing a contentious story entitled "Two Cent Whore"

For very good reason, I have disabled both voting and comments on this story. Historically, readers for the most part, have proved unable to show impartiality in regards to either of the aforementioned options. It is a very unpleasant tale - many will wonder "Why did you write it?" I suppose the answer is 'because I could.' I have compiled many light-hearted and non-confrontational tales of youthful sexual exploration and involvement - some completely true. On the other side of the coin, are pieces such as the greatly misunderstood and unappreciated "VOICES" - listed among my stories here - a long-time favorite of mine, yet check out it's 'acceptance factor' - a vote of 5.6......somewhere between 'crap' and 'better to watch paint dry.'

TWO CENT WHORE wrote itself one day when I wasn't looking. I felt a connection with the girl herself and saw it all unravelling through her innocent eyes. I remember being aware of tears running down my cheeks towards the end of penning this desperately sad piece. It is actually based in part on a true case I recall reading about some years back. The "R" rated sequences described, were never made public of course, I simply created them in detail by way of an explanation for the violence that occurred at the conclusion of that afternoon. It wasn't in the USA incidentally.

If just a handful of people are moved by this story, it was worth composing and publishing. I know, I sound like LOT wending his way through the streets of Sodom and Gomorrah, looking for those ten righteous people to save the city from destruction. He had no luck either!



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