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I know many are awaiting the next chapter of their favorite of mine. I wanted to apologize as I am entered into 3 writing competitions. It actually helps me to write better. So for a tleast a week I will be working on them. Though at the moment I only have the SOL contest to finish. I just thought all would appreciate an update.
Look I appreciate that many people want to show me what I am doing wrong with my grammar. But if you don't want to help me rather to slice and dice and do nothing but criticize. I have asked all that are so critical of my work if they would like to be an editor for me. Their responses?
NOTHING! So please I appreciate the advise but if all you want to do is tell me I suck then kindly just fuck off ok? I don't write for anyone but me anymore. I got hurt emotionally years ago writing for other people it won't happen again. It just so happens that a hell of a lot more people like what I write more than those that don't.
Please I do this in what little free time I have. I do have a life outside of the now seven sites I have been invited to post on. It just so happens that I like this site the best so I therefore post here first.
I apologize about not posting an update for Sheila. Not long after I finished Chapter 4 I found I actually couldn't continue it. This is the first time in over 2 years I am stuck on a story. Not to worry I am sure inspiration will hit me soon Beatrix my muse is just being a jealous bitch right now in regards to the Sheila story lol
Finally writing again. Finished another chapter of A Guy. Moving to the next Chapter of Lost Empire. I apologize about the slow down I have been going through grief among a myrid of health issues. I hope to have both up in the next two days.
A few words to try and explain. Life have gone in the toilet recently. First I was sick a few times finally got over that. Then all the worry with my mother. Finally was out of it things looking good. Then last week a dear friend of mine who has helped me greatly with my writing passed away. Many might notice I did a chapter of Cat Fight.
I had it finished and posted just before I found out. I have come so close to stopping writing as the pain keeps coming. I can still hear my friend telling me, he was upset the last time I wanted to quit. Well crap guess more than a few words. I don't want to stop I love writing almost more than anything.
So in the words of my now deceased friend damn it all and keep going for your self. I will endeavor to do so. Please bear with me as I shake all the crap life is hitting me with.
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