Pars001: Blog



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Finally writing again. Finished another chapter of A Guy. Moving to the next Chapter of Lost Empire. I apologize about the slow down I have been going through grief among a myrid of health issues. I hope to have both up in the next two days.


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A few words to try and explain. Life have gone in the toilet recently. First I was sick a few times finally got over that. Then all the worry with my mother. Finally was out of it things looking good. Then last week a dear friend of mine who has helped me greatly with my writing passed away. Many might notice I did a chapter of Cat Fight.

I had it finished and posted just before I found out. I have come so close to stopping writing as the pain keeps coming. I can still hear my friend telling me, he was upset the last time I wanted to quit. Well crap guess more than a few words. I don't want to stop I love writing almost more than anything.

So in the words of my now deceased friend damn it all and keep going for your self. I will endeavor to do so. Please bear with me as I shake all the crap life is hitting me with.


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I am a total wreck mom had first eye surgery then had to cancel the second as her platelet count had dropped again. She has urged me to write to quell my anxiety. I looked at the five stories I had a piece of not really feeling it.

Tonight mom actually got mad at me for stopping. As she said it is the only joy I have in life anymore (especially after two horrible failed marriages) So here I am writing not wanting to but I am. Then an hour later I finished one of them.

Crap half done with a second! Anyway hope all are well rain a hell of a lot here in Florida saty dry!


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I am going to be away for a while. Me Mom is going in to eye surgery finally this week have to drive her to another state for it. I am hoping all goes well. At the moment I am a nervous wreck wanting to write and be there for her. I promise as soon as all is past I will resume. At least I hope, had the flu for almost two weeks due to a weak immune system. As I said I hope to be back soon.

Lost Empire

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I am currently working on chap 46 of Lost Empire. I'd say I am 3/4 finished. I only get a few hours to write for the next 3 days so I hope I can finish it tonight and get it to me editor.

I have had many asking when Derrick, Shelby and Tempro are coming back to (their) present. As of yet they aren't directly. There is another issue that I will address that many wanted a side story to. I am going to put it in only with Derrick and the others.Hope that helps Oh! I am not as well as I thought I was but a lot better be well all!



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