May your 2022 be a better year than the last. PLEASE may it. We really need it to be a GOOD one.
So, The Precious Cargo is my first story. Ever. I'm doing my best, and I know the publication timing has sucked. This latest chapter caused me some serious headaches and I tried to figure out how to have a character speak intelligibly, while her mouth was full.
Figuring out what sounds she can make, when she can't close her lips and has a mouth full of something, and then figuring out how to spell out that in writing was a serious challenge.
Well, doing my best and at least this should be the only chapter where it occurs.
As others say, read the codes, and if it's not your thing, skip it, especially as it's my first one.
I've not turned on voting or comments, as I'm not quite ready to deal with them, yet. To my one reader that I'm sure of, apologies for how long this chapter took and if you've given up, I understand completely.
Happy holidays to one and all!