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MysteryWriter: Blog


redemption 12

Posted at

Thanks to everyone who alerted me to massive corrections needed. I like to correct the most glaring ones. That is the ones that effect the readability of the story. Ones that I figure won't bother 95%of the readers will go uncorrected.

I figure that is a fair compromise. As always I will pay lots of attention to the old freshman english grading systemn not the SOL system.

spacing of chapter nine run on words

Posted at Updated:

First of all I am guilty of a lot of bullshit mistakes, but after getting several complaints I checked chapter nine and there were in deed run on words on the site's version, so I resubmitted a triple checked version. So far the version listed is still filled with runon words sorry guys not much else I can do.

I also submitted chapter ten with no runon words in my submission we shall see what happen. My computer may not play well with this site.

voting alternative.

Posted at Updated:

I propose a new voting method. If you want to vote for a story and encourage an author do by sending one letter to him/her in the form of a one alpha character. Just like they did in public school.

A B C D F.

Remember one letter is enough said. Less is more.

Redemption 10 is almost done.

redemption update and voting change again

Posted at

I have turned off the voting again. I found that the proof reading for ease of flow didn't seem to show up in the voting which doesn't surprise me.

My proof reader wants to stay with it a while longer, so chapter nine is with her now. Give it a day or so and it should be up

turning the voting on temporarily

Posted at

I'm doing it to see how much, if at all, the proof reader makes. Also chapter 8 is ready to be proof read. It seems to add from one to three days. Not much but when I'm through I like to be through not take time out to help the proof reader (My beautiful wife)with what words to substitute that mean the same thing. proofreading is a pain in the ass for me to mess with so is it worth it.



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