I have submitted Chapter 7 to SOL for posting. Sorry for taking so long, but this turned out to be much longer than I had originally planned. I hope you enjoy it. Any suggestions for the next phase of the story will be appreciated.
June and Alice
Posted at
I just submitted chapter 6 of this story. There isn't much sex in this chapter, but it builds up to changes in June's life. Will they be better, or worse, for her?
June and Alice, chapter 5
Posted at
I am sorry this submission took so long. My wife was in the hospital twice during the past 3 weeks and my writing time was limited. In addition to that, this chapter is much larger than any of the other chapters.
June and Alice
Posted at
I just submitted chapter 5. It is longer than any of the other chapters, but I hope everyone enjoys it.
June and Alice
Posted at
I Just submitted chapter 4 for posting. This is a rather short chapter that sets up some future events. Sorry for the long delay in posting it.