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MoTex: Blog


2025 Update

Posted at

I will have some time in the March/April timeframe to continue Coming of Age.

I had the story basically done when I started posting it, but my editor Steve had some really good ideas and honest feedback which changed the whole tempo and flow of the story. This caused me to basically rewrite it on the fly, putting me into a position I had to completely change how things were going to happen. Writers block and job issues took their toll and I fell away for a bit, but I have pledged to myself to finish Coming of Age and possibly start on something new. I have a great time travel story that's been brewing in the back of my mind for a few years.

The job market has not been kind and my relocation should be complete not long after surgery.


Oct Update

Posted at

I've got a few things going on which is leading me to find a new job, so that has been tying up most of my free time lately. I will begin posting again when things get less hectic.

- MoTex

Coming of Age Update

Posted at

I've been delayed in posting new chapters due to real life happening around me. I should be back on track very soon. Thank you for all those who have been reading it.


Coming of Age - New chap 5 & 6

Posted at

I just reposted chapters 4-6 which would bring the story up to date with plot changes. They should be online shortly. If you haven't re-read chapters 2-3, you will likely get lost.


Coming of Age - New Chapter 3 & 4

Posted at

In working with my editor and proofreaders, everything will be changing from chapter 3 and up. Yes, I know I said the re-do's wouldn't do this, but it was necessary. I've already uploaded the new chapter 3 and chapter 4 just came back from my last proofreader and will be going up shortly.

I'm getting to the action sooner, introducing secondary story lines sooner and cutting out some detail that wasn't needed. In doing so, I've changed some aspects of the the story, but it's basically the same story line.




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