Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

mostera1: Blog


Dark Clouds? Yeah, but a platinum lining too.

Posted at

Well to add insult to injury, I am scheduled for two additional surgeries prior to the eye surgery. The surgeries are hand and arm related. So typing is much slower and writing is back burnered again. Sigh...

Fun times.

But through it all there is a silver lining. Actually platinum IMHO. I may not be able to type fast at the moment, relegated to 1/100th impulse power instead of Warp 1 and 'Edsel' has ground to an almost halt. So where is this platinum lining I spoke of? Read on.

I had the honor to collaborate with Coaster2 on a wonderful new story. At my best I'm Warp 1, Coaster2 is Warp 100!!!!!

Look for it soon!!!!


Just when you think it safe...

Posted at

Learned last week that I need more eye surgery. Scheduled for April. Sigh.

On a lighter note thank you for the positive response to my quirky and unique stories. HTM and DITR are doing well. I am honored that DITR has risen above 8.0. The raw score is actually well above 9.

I am currently working on "Edsel" a light story for me that has a "loving wife".

Not too much character development, but a different plot mover. I hope I can finish before S-day.

Thank you for your support and patience.


Thank you all!

Posted at

Your feedback on my stories is very much wanted and appreciated. I am glad the majority of the readership is enjoying my quirky, unique stories.
It's a risk when you go outside the box, but knock on wood (pun intended) it appears you the reader like it too.

A big thank you!!!!!!!!



Posted at

I have changed my thinking and am posting the entire story today. I hope you take the time to read and enjoy this very bumpy unique story of lust, betrayal, and true love.


In Preparation

Posted at Updated:

Half the Man will post soon. I hope the readers on SOL will give it more of a chance than those on another site.

I realize now I should have prepared the reader better for what the story is about. I accept the blame for that.

It deals with a myriad of themes. Some hidden within the words.

I am going to turn off the voting until the very end, to give the story a fair chance.

Trust me, for those who decide to read the entire story you will not be disappointed.

Thank you,




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