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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Mixerman: Blog


Thank You

Posted at

I, myself, would like to thank the talented writers here for their contributions for a mental break from all the daily news that we are bombarded with. With no sports to watch, except repeats, this site has been a welcome.

Australia fires

Posted at

If any writers on here, that are from Australia, Could you give the rest of the world the true story of what is going on. All Americans see is the devastation done to animals. Thank You and may God bless you.

Merry Christmas

Posted at

To everyone that read one of my stories. To everyone that voted on my stories. To everyone that commented on my stories. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND MAY 2020 BE EVERY THING YOU WANT IT TO BE!

New Story

Posted at

Posted a new story this morning. Seems that no matter how many times you read it, mistakes are found. A very keen-eyed reader found a BIG mistake. Name was changed in middle of story. Hey1 I am a human and made a mistake. It happens when working on different stories at the same time. To that reader I say Thank You.

writing and drinking

Posted at

Writing takes concentration. You have to pay attention to what you are writing. Well..... if you are drinking as you are writing, you take a different path than the one you intended to. Read what was written last night, and the story did not go the way I wanted it to go. So reread the story and found one sentence that made the story go off the deep end. Remove (and save for a dark story) and rewrite.



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