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I have completed writing Climbing the Ladder - The Second Rung (aka CTL2). It consists of 52 chapters and approximately 327,000 words. I will post it to Bookapy on December 15, 2022, and I will begin posting to SOL on January 15, 2023.
The next book to be published will be Good Medicine - Medical School IV. I do not yet have an ETA for Bookapy or SOL, but it will likely be Spring 2023.
I am continuing to write A Well-Lived Life - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch, but it is only about 1/3 complete. I currently have no reasonable estimate of when it will be available.
Work has begun on Climbing the Ladder - Climbing Higher (aka CTL3) and Good Medicine - Residency I.
As always, in-progress books are available via my support sites.
I have updated A Well-Lived Life - Book 6 - Kara I. I've corrected grammar, word usage, and punctuation, and incorporated all the corrections sent to me by readers.
The story did not change. If you're keeping an eBook version, you may want to download a new copy.
Revised digital files have been submitted to Bookapy, so if you purchased a copy, you should automatically get the updated version.
Today marks the posting of the final chapter of Good Medicine — Medical School III. I hope you have enjoyed the story.
I am currently working on the next book in each series. As of today, progress is as follows:
• 39/65 chapters of Climbing the Ladder 2 - The Second Rung
• 76/100 chapters of Good Medicine - Medical School IV
• 36/80 chapters of A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch
I do not have an ETA for release of these books on Bookapy or SOL. 'In Progress' books are available via my support sites (please see my Author page).
[Note: total chapters shown above are an estimate]
Current Books:
I've submitted the penultimate chapter of A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age. It will be complete on SOL as of tomorrow, June 26, 2022.
I will begin posting daily chapters of Good Medicine - Medical School III on July 1, 2022. It's long, at 620,000 words, making it the second-longest book in the AWLL universe (only AWLL 2 - Book 10 - Bridget is longer). The complete book is available on Bookapy.
Writing Progress:
I have completed 30 chapters of Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 5 - The Pumpkin Patch.
I have completed 44 chapters of Good Medicine - Medical School IV.
I am making good progress on both. Completed chapters are available on my support sites (see my Author page for details).
I've written 19 chapters of Climbing the Ladder - The Second Rung , but it is on hold due to lack of writing time.
Words of Thanks:
Thanks to all of you who voted for me in the Clitorides, where I was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
But more importantly, thanks to my loyal readers for the time they invest in my stories, and for pointing out typos and other errors. Your feedback and critiques have helped improved the stories tremendously.
And, last but not least, I'd be remiss in not thanking my editors, LordPerfectSteve, and the participants in my Discord server for all the help they provide in bringing you these stories. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I have updated A Well-LIved Life - Book 5 - Stephanie. I've corrected grammar, word usage, and punctuation, and incorporated all the corrections sent to me by readers.
The story did not change. If you're keeping an eBook version, you may want to download a new copy.
Revised digital files have been submitted to Bookapy, so if you purchased a copy, you should automatically get the updated version.
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