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Megumi Kashuahara: Blog


SOS: Reader help needed!

Posted at Updated:

I am stymied with the love scene between Sunny and Miki. I'm trying to visualize (and this is where I need help) writing how a girl who has full feeling, but doesn't have use of her legs because of muscular damage by Muscular Dystrophy, makes love. Any knowledgeable collaborative information who be both most helpful, and very appreciated.

Hope to hear from a Fan!

Posting Rates

Posted at

Hi Folks,
Because I now have an editor, My posting rate frequency will drop some, but I really, really want the quality of the story and your reading experience to increase, it will take a little longer to post the finished product.

Thanks again for your support and understanding.

I now have an editor!

Posted at Updated:

I now have an editor, so a lot of my dumb and stupid errors will get fixed before you folks have to trudge through them.

The quality should go up as well as your reading experience.

Please drop me a line and let me know if you see a real difference!

I apologize for the quality.

Posted at

Hey Folks,
I'd like to apologize for the quality of the chapters I've posted recently. In my hast to get them online and up for reading, My final read-through was not up to snuff. I reposted chapter 9 of Miki and Me. I will try harder to watch the quality of the chapters before I post them.

Again, I apologize.

Updates for my stories

Posted at

I am posting chapters for two stories at a time. Probably, for the next week or so, I will be concentrating on "Miki and Me," and posting fewer chapters of "Blood Slaves," but do not fear, I will continue and finish both.
And please, vote generously, that is my greatest encouragement and praise. Also, you may leave comments on what you think of a story.



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