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So I'm going to confuse a lot of people. I somehow got files jumbled around and posted the wrong chapter. I've submitted the correct chapter as a replacement, and it should be up shortly. (starts with "the world slowed down").
Sorry for the confusion.
Since several people have asked, here's a quick update. The first half of the year is always my busy season for my day job, so writing slows a bit this time, but I'm still working at it.
Closing in on finishing the next installment of the destiny saga, which is looking to be notably longer than the last. About 2/3 through and I hope to have it finished and start posting in a month and a half or so.
Next Taylor book has been started, but will have to wait on this installment of the Destiny book before I really focus on it. Expect it early summer.
The last 2 chapters of The Wrong Girl post up today. I hope everyone enjoyed the story.
Next up will be the next part of the Destiny Saga, but there will be a break in my posting while I finish writing it. About half way done so hopefully you'll be able to see it soon.
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