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LucyAnneThorn: Blog


Something Sweet for the Summer: Adoring Mrs. K

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I realized that the first two stories I posted here contain quite the rough stuff on top of their romantic parts, but rough and hard is not all I write. Since it's getting summer here and the first strawberries are ripe in the garden, I wanted to share something with you that matches the giddy joy I feel over the lush warmth of the morning sun, and something that resembles the intoxicating sweetness of this year's very first own strawberry, filling all my senses with delight and leaving me with a silly smile.

Now I wrote that, I can not even pray that my little story can do justice to this flowery imagery. "Adoring Mrs. K" is currently awaiting approval, and I hope you will have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.

I'm going to find another strawberry now, one still cool and moist with morning dew, and I will close my eyes, wrap my lips around it and every so slowly bite into it so I can savor every moment. If a little bit of sticky sweetness dribbles down my chin, I might just so let it happen and wear it through the day, a sensuous badge of summer's sugary kiss.



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