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Lorn Skye: Blog


This shit is hard!

Posted at

Ok, it really isnt, but it isnt easy either.

Apparently I screwed up again. The correct Chapter 5 of Glimpse of Infinity is up now.

Not to make excuses, but to maybe remind me to check better next time, there was an issue in taking the older word format and breaking it into chapters. The numbering had to be redone and soemwhere along the way, there were 2 chapter 5's and well, the rest is history.

If you bought the book on Bookapy, this error also exists, so give me a couple of days and a new version, with other corrections included will be update there.

Final Chapter

Posted at

The final chapter of Flight to Ascendency posted. I will leave it open for about a week before moving it to premier only.

Next week, the first chapter of Glimpse of Infinity starts posting. Again, I will aim to post one chapter a week until the story is complete. There may be a delay in chapter 2 due to work / travel, since I cant post additional chapters until the first chapter posts.

Thanks for reading, for your comments, and most of all for your patronage over on Bookapy! Thanks to your purchases I was able to buy some nicer presents from Santa this year.

Happy Holidays to all and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Flight to Ascendency to start posting tonight

Posted at

I've just uploaded the first chapter of Flight to Ascendency. It has been up on Bookapy for a few weeks now. I will be posting one chapter a week and when it is entirely posted, it will move to Premier only as with my other works.

I also have Glimpse of Infinity on Bookapy for those who are interested.

I appreciate all those who have purchased my works and helped to support my writing. It isn't a lot, but every little bit helps pay the bills.

Finally closing out stories

Posted at

Sometimes there is an upside to getting sick, and that is time to finish projects. A few days ago I released Glimpse of Infinity, an older story that I reworked multiple times and finally got around to finishing. This weekend, I completed Flight to Ascendancy.

It is now up on Bookapy and if there is enough interest there, I will start to post it here.



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