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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

lizard69: Blog


Sometimes Life Gets in the Way

Posted at

If you've read more than one of my stories you've probably noticed completion dates that are mostly a couple years old. I've been writing in the interim. In fact I've got several stories at the 80% or better stage.

The problem is that the normal hassles of earning a living and trying to help my friends out of tight spots keeps derailing my writing, (both porn and conventional). Maybe it's a procrastinators excuse. If I *really* want to get something done I don't seem to have any trouble. So here's the deadline. One week from today I'll have another story up. Not sure yet which one it will be. Not going to try for the perfect ending. Just going to grab one of my incomplete screeds and do whatever it takes to get it where I'm not ashamed to post it. In view of the content of most of my stuff the composition would have to be pretty rough for me to get embarrassed. :-)

Hi Everybody

Posted at

I'm fairly new to blogging. While I have a more conventional site under my real name, (girlfriends name actually, she owns it, I supply content), that's not the place for adult content. I'm going to try to revive my interest in posting stories. This blog will be mostly for floating ideas and seeing if there is enough interest to pursue them.




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