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Liza Devereaux: Blog


Listening to the voices in my head.

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Hey Luvs,
I just wanted to let you all know that I am still writing but as I've allways said I'm a story teller not an author. I tell the stories that the voices in my head are telling me.

I say that becuause people keep asking when the next Chapter of Here I go again Our Freshman Year comming as well as Geeks big Break. I wish I could tell you when. Right now Harrison and Grant both have stopped telling me their stories.

I don't know when they'll start again I hope soon. In the mean time I have three new people telling me their stories. One is Myles Fontaine who wants to tell you all about his Mom's Book club full of Hot and Horny Milfs in the new series MIHF Club. Book one is out now over on my Bookapy page MIHF Club: It All starts at Home:

The next person telling me his story is John Smith Yes that's his name according to him his dad thought it was funny. He's a Black Bag Operative know to Drug Lords and Cartels as "The Reaper."
His story should be out soon titled "Can Anyone Love the Reaper?" It's a story of love lost and found by this lonely man.

Finally I'm working on a story for the Halloween Contest and I cant tell you anything about it. But I will say when voting opens make sure you read all those and vote on the ones you like best.

Until then I know you want more of Grant and Harrison's stories so do I hopefully they see fit to tell me the rest of them soon.

This year is flying but I seem to be crawling

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Hey Luv's,
Between the illness I had towards the end of last year and the challenges of learning how to live in a small town left me feeling unenergetic and uncreative. In other words, I got hit with writers' block.
However, between good pharmaceuticals, vitamins and ulternative medicine I think I'm finally on the mend and starting to get my grove back.

So what does this mean for you my readers? Hopefully it means you'll be seeing more posts on all my open stories and a few new things from me. For example I have a couple new shorter book series I'm writing. I don't know if they will get posted on SOL yet but you can jump over to Bookappy and get them there for just $0.99 The first one went live this morning.

I've put up in the last two weeks several chapters of Geek's Big Break and I'm working on finishing the Chadwick and football players storyline while setting up for once Grant's family gets to Mia's country. I also introduced a few new characters as those who are reading will see.

Those of you wanting more of Here I Go Again: Our Freshman Year. I'm trying to work on getting chapters five and six finished. The story took a dark and tragic turn and left me feeling depressed and unable to write on it for a while. I know it's just a story and the characters aren't really alive but they feel alive in my head. So when they go thru stuff it effects me sometimes deeper than things that happen in real life do.

Waking the Vengence is currently on hold as I and my creative team [aka my spouses] try to work ourselves out of the whole I got us in. So be patient if you are following that story.

On the plus side. We've come up with two more new shorter story series ideas that I'm working on as well. One is called "The MIHF Club" About a guy who took his personal MILF list and started turning into conquests. Thus the series title MIHF as in Mothers I Have Fucked. Each Mother will get her own book. There are currently ten books planned. They are as follows:
MIHF Club: Best Friend's Mom
MIHF Club: The Next Door Mom
MIHF Club: My Girlfriend's Mom
MIHF Club: The Quarterback's Mom
MIHF Club: My Rival's Mom
MIHF Club: Ultimate Mom
MIHF Club: Cousin's Mom
MIHF Club: Gold Digging Stepmom
MIHF Club: The Wannabe Mom
MIHF Club: The Church Mom
Anyway send wishes and good intentions out to the universe that my creativity will keep flowing and I can get everything already posted finished and these and other new smaller Ideas too.

What's next?

Posted at

Hey Luv's,
First I want to take a second and thank everyone. I had tons of responses from my last blog post asking for help proofreading and editing for me. So much so that I've pulled that post down. I think I should find some help in the 24 people that have already responded.

Which leads me to this post. I have had an overwhelming response to Here I Go Again: My Second Chance. Mostly of people wanting to know if there is going to be more to that story and when it will be out.
As I said in my last post our family has moved across country and I'm just now getting settled in the new house and town. We moved from a bigger city in the North East to a quaint little town in Colorado. But to answer the question Yes there is another book in the works for Harrison and company. I'm working on a several different stories at present. So I'm going to let you pick what I should do. Here are the choices:

1. Start putting up the Parts of Here I Go Again: Our Freshman year book two. It's not finished yet and I'd rather wait until the whole book is done. But if you the readers want it I'll start posting it one chapter every two weeks.

2. I'm also working on a Polyamorous coming of age story about a computer geek who has a big problem and his learning that maybe it isn't a problem but a blessing. It's called the "Geeks Big Break". Unlike Here I Go Again I have over 20 chapters of it written so I could start posting it. It's a very different type of story from Here I Go again. No fates or do overs but does explore themes of the Polyamorous lifestyle as well as the Dominate/submissive life, Pet Play and Incest. I could start posting this one almost immediately.

3. Another story that I've had for a while that is almost done is called Waking The Vengeance."
That story is both Paranormal with themes of Mind Control, Incest, Gods, the battle of good and evil and revenge. It is planned as a two book series. Book one is almost complete it has maybe 3 more chapters to be done.

4.Or there is option 4 I start posting chapters from all of them.

So drop me and email here on SOL and let me know which if any of these you think should be next or if you think they should all be next.
Until next time.

Getting back into the swing of things

Posted at Updated:

Hello Luv,

So I've been asked recently if I've stopped updating my stories on the websites I'm posting them on. The answer is no I haven't stopped I'm just moving slower than you and I, want me to move. On SOL I updated both Honey Do helpers with a new chapter on 5/13 and I completely revamped and added new content to Lenard the Master of the Universe on 5/16.

The biggest news is I've started a new story, a do-over romance called Here I Go Again: My Second Chance. You can get the first seven chapters on SOL or buy the whole finished novel HERE.

Here I Go Again: My Second Chance is the first in a series of Novels following the exploits of one Harrison Parker. He is offered a chance to start again and takes the chance waking up in his almost 15year old body. This first book follows him as he moves to make the changes he wants in his life. A single chance to erase his biggest regret in life and replace it with a different choice.

Subsequent books will continue to follow Harrison as the changes he made open up new choices for him. Below is a short snippet from the book. I hope it catches your attention:

This wasn’t a parallel universe double of the pretty little bartender. This was the one that had asked me what I would do differently if I could go back. What date would I go back to and start making the changes?

I could still remember what I’d told her. It had taken me a minute to sort through all the different decisions I’d made in my life. Besides being born to Robert and Rosland Parker, when had my life started down the dark path I’d found myself on this date? After sorting through all the different decisions I’d made in my life, I declared, “August 25, 1983,” without hesitation. “

She looked into my eyes as she asked. “What happened that day that made you think it was a good day to change?”

I remember thinking that it was the first day that I made the ultimate wrong decision. It was the first day I acted like a coward and ran away from trouble instead of standing up for what was right. It was the day I’d let evil win the first time. If I could, I would go back and make the opposite decision. I’d stop the evil that started that day. I’d save Amaryllis Snodgrass from the rape that caused her to kill herself.

Even if it cost me everything. Because knowing that I’d left her to her attackers had always been my deepest, darkest, secret failure. It was the first time I’d taken the easy road, not the right road.

“That’s simple. It's the first time I remember making the wrong choice and letting someone else suffer the results of my actions. It isn’t the only change I’d make, but it would be the first.”

That I’d just saved her life from the thug may have influenced the bartender's decision. Or maybe it was something she saw in my eyes. She grabbed a highball and poured a slightly milky-like drink into it. About three fingers worth, and then she said the date I'd mentioned before, setting the glass in front of me. It seemed to have a slight bluish glow to it but I was sure it was my imagination.

“Here, have a drink to thank you for saving me. I call it ‘spilt milk’.” We laughed at the joke. After all, there is no way someone could go back and take the road less traveled, just like there is no use crying over spilt milk.

I reached for the glass, but the pink-haired girl laid her hand on mine, stopping me from picking it up. “Be sure, Master Chief Parker. If you swallow that drink, be sure you make the changes you wished you made. Don’t take the same path you took before. Make a different life, with different choices, better choices. This is the only opportunity you will get to do things differently.”

I laughed again and almost didn’t pick up the glass. This pretty little thing was cute but there was something in her eyes that almost stopped me. They say that the eyes are windows to the soul. If so, then this cute little bartender had a wise old soul, set in a girl next door face and shocking pink hair.

Still laughing, I swallowed what felt like pure ice. I shivered as it went down and when I breathed out frosty mist came out of my mouth. “Holy Shit, what was in that drink, girl? How did it get so cold?”

She smiled and leaned in close. “That’s not the question you should waste time on right now, Harrison Parker. You should ask me if you’ll remember anything from this time when you wake up tomorrow as your fifteen-year-old self. The answer is, you will remember everything that you know right now.

If this sounds like a story you'd enjoy grab your copy today at

Until next time,



I'm to busy for my own good

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Hey Loves,
This is my first blog post ever. I wanted to let everyone know how my work life is going. If your reading this blog then I know you are following me on one of the two free read sites for Erotica and Erotic romance that I post my stories on. So let me talk about those stories. At present on the two sites I have Seven stories that I'm working on. Yes I'm working on all of them but one. I used to be able to write faster than I do now mostly because of some health reasons. I'm trying to finish each of these seven stories before I release any more.

That's where my biggest problem lies. I get new ideas for stories almost daily. For example I have the seven stories started. They are as listed:

"Waking the Vengeance" This story needs maybe three more chapters to complete it and just tie up the loose ends.

"The Geek's Big Break"
This story isn't anywhere near done. It has twenty chapters right now and I think there are at least ten more to finish the plot of the story of Gio and his family. Honestly I love this family and could probably write an epic size novel about them all. However I'm going to only do ten more chapters Gio and wives may get a second story sometime down the road.

"The Power of Love" This story like Geek is only about half done. It to has twenty Chapters complete and probably needs twenty more to complete the first of three books I want to write about Jason. Each with a different part of his path to becoming who he was truly meant to be.

"Trophy Wives School: Rachelle" This story is complete but it left on a open note that leads to the second book "Trophy Wives School:Ruth" which hasn't had a part posted anywhere. Readers of Rachelle want to know about Ruth's story and I really need to write it and two others as well to finish the entire story line. Maybe more than two other books.

Then on SOL They are as follows:

"Honey Do Helpers" This story has seven chapters done so far. It probably needs at least twenty-three more to tell the story the way I want to.

"Leonard and the Masters of the Universe" This one only has two chapters done and I have no clue how Many more it needs. I shouldn't have started posting it because I don't know where exactly it's going yet. But there will probably be at least twenty-seven chapters total maybe more.

"The story of Killian Davis: Alpha Nerd"
Again a story I shouldn't have put up at all yet. There are three chapters up right now. To tell the story I think I'm planning to tell at least twenty-seven more need to be used.

That says nothing of the other three stories I plan to write and publish as books this year. Plus I already have outlines on several more that are so far just ideas. Even worse than that are the ones I've already bought covers for without anything more than an Idea that the cover i bought sparked. (There are six of those without a single word written.

So why am I telling you all this in my blog? Because I'm getting emails every single day asking me when is (insert title from above here) next part coming? The answer my lovelies is when I get it written. I honestly don't know when that is. Do Keep going the way I've been going and write on each one as the muse speaks or do I try and force her to stay on one until it's finished. Then move to the next. Or do I try to find more time in my day and write on each every single day until I finish them all? I don't know, but know this most days I am writing on something or several somethings. I do plan to finish all seven of those open stories and several more. So if you follow me on one or both of those sites keep following me and I promise you new chapters and parts are coming soon. Some just sooner than other.



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