Just managed to get part 4 posted. Its so sexy I had trouble sleeping.
A Certain Sort Of Sister
Posted at
Hope you purist boys wont object to a bit of courseness injected into this tale before I close it. A tiny part 2 comming up. Jade
A Certain Sort Of Sister
Posted at
Just to explain the key element in the opening of this tale:
Linda was made pregnant by her father the resulting baby boy Bradley becomes not only her son but also her brother. Ihope thats usful anyone confused. Thanks for the kindly votes. Jade
Squires Lore
Posted at
Hi Boys.!
With this tale I'm aiming to get into some new ground with a little bit of pagan sex.
Hope you approve.
Love you all; you scoundrels!
Good start for Black Mongrel
Posted at
Thanks to Nigella Majella for prompting me to install the latest Dream episode. Hope it makes sense Nigella!